It's probably just an American release of that European version that didn't have Gamecube control ports and had to sit horizontal. Cheap to make, low pricetag, marketed as compact. Something for the average family rather than the average Gamespot reader.
@stealth6spy @Ultra_Taco @youre_in_denail The core gameplay is the same, but I think between most of the Mario games, there are things they've changed (particularly when it's on a different console).
It always is a gamble to add to an established universe/character (look at Metroid Other M, or the Star Wars Universe when Lucas added episodes 1-3 as examples). So I do hope that most (can't please em all) Halo fans like where 343 takes the Halo world.
Personally haven't played anything other than Reach (which I did enjoy) so I am looking forward to Halo 4 either way. The Spartan Ops concept particularly sounds interesting.
Wing Commander had a great way of telling its story, and it was a blast to play too.
You were fighting it out in spaceships against walking talking humanoid cats, but you suspended your disbelief anyway and immersed yourself into the world.
That or you really sucked at space/flight sims, got frustrated and used the floppy disk for other stuff.
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