like 1 hour AFTER the game is installed and played for the first time (like it is on timed trial for ps+) for example would be the ideal. otherwise, so many people would rush games and return them.
Do cheaper digital prices, why should i pay the same price to buy the product you didn't have any costs of shipping, boxes, papers, blu-rays and everything else? If i wanna buy a game day 1, it's $60 on the box and $50 online, i'll probably just grab it online, you will get your full share, i'll get my game cheaper, everyone wins.
Really, just don't buy a game until it goes on daily/flash/community sale, unless u need it NOW. just now fallout, borderlands and tomb raider are much cheaper than said on the video.
jess is fun and all but the problem is all the comments are about how hot she is and no one talks about the news.
anyway, about the ps4 light, developers can choose to turn it off, so probably they will patch that, sometimes even the xbox controller light bothers me and don't get me started on the move light bulb, i can't play with the lights off without being blinded (yes, i am a cave troll that plays everything in the dark) so i guess i'll just buy a duct tape for the ps4 controller =P
This sucks, anyone who has a ps move controller knows how annoying that light can be if you want to play in the dark. guess ill just put a duct tape over it when i want to be in the dark.
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