valve has never made something bad *stands behind copy of ricochet* in their entire life. i have good faith in them. Actually, pretty much the only company that hasn't screwed up, blizzard was up to that until diablo 3.
i like the convenience of netflix, specially since i travel a lot, if i have my ipad + hdmi adapter with me( i always do) i can put it on any tv. Plus, it's cheap and it's a nice way to support it. Arrested Development (as disappointing at it might have been) wouldn't go back if weren't for netflix.
I really don't care about advertising if they are giving me a top quality product for a cheap price, for example, hulu (not the plus, cuz i can't sub it) or if im watching basic cable or watching football (sigh, soccer as you call it) yea, the ads are annoying, but it's free. If i'm paying for something, that means it shouldn't have ads.
Advertising was a great way to provide free services and still make a profit, now companies are just getting greedy as hell.
blackzio's comments