@skinsley @adders99 yep, you can keep the games that were removed from the list as long as you were a subscriber and downloaded them at the time, they will be unplayable until you renew your subscription.
aka, if u subscribe for a year, get a 1 TB hard-drive for the ps3.
@duuuuuuude1 @blackzio that's the problem, why it has to be connected? Make it optional, if i don't want voice command, make me that option. Microsoft is already giving for example skype calls to the NSA. It's not like im a drug dealer who is putting an xbox on my meth lab, but still, i don't want a camera/microphone always listening to me.
@LpcWarrior its like 200 guys in valve, thats why it has no leaks. they just going to put out of their asses and say "BOOM, hl3, coming at the end of the year, pre-order and get tf2 items"
They will probably go PC only to avoid any issues as such. but if they releasing to consoles, i kinda doubt it will go to the xbone, gabe is pretty pissed with M$.
what was so groundbreaking about the xone drm that now it's a "reskinned x360"? Consoles are consoles, some inovations here and there, you want something really different? nintendo is always there for more "different" experiences. Sharing games with you family? guess what? i can log in my IOS account into any iphone and download my games there, also, can do that with 2 ps3's (was 5 but that wasn't working). you want to give your game to a friend digitally? all i have to do is say "bro, log into my account and download it" and i can do that now. It was no innovation, it was an attempt to **** up costumers #dealwithit.
blackzio's comments