@mlp071 @Dognut1 @rav44 with $100 i can grab 2 years of psn plus, giving they are giving like 3 games a month (top games, this month i grabbed catherine, uncharted 3, xcom...). You do the math to see what $100 less on a console can bring in advantages for me.
Xbone could just remove the kinect and sell it for $399.
everything i buy digital i buy for convenience of not leaving my house or not waiting a long period of deliver, i never expected anything i buy digital for me to be able to trade them, the same applies to movies in itunes, books at kindle, games and apps for iphone, steam games, music and ps3 (and soon) ps4 games
@TheTrueSensei partnering up with EA. Really MS???? 2nd time winner of "Worst Company in America" and thats the partner you choose; of course shit was bound to happen.
@daconehead @blackzio not sure if that one will be exclusive, but still, i don't see people that are going to buy xbone playing jrpg's so it might as well be.
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