@CerberusM guess so..probably won't buy their product if it comes to that. But they always need an excuse to put the always online shite. Some games won't have multiplayer at all like dragon age, i wonder what excuse they would make.
i think the same ending is somehow necessary for future references, for examples:
Morrigan has her demon child one way or the other, no matter what you do at the end of DAO, because probably that child will be the one causing the fuzz in inquisition (if this is it, its going to be awesome)
sony is getting support from ubisoft (freebies bonuses for watch dogs \o/) and bethesda (beta elder scrolls online for ps4), while MS is getting support from the second time champion worst company in america.
@rawkstar007 @blackzio i know, i was going to sign up for plus anyway (free uncharted 3 and xcom, u kidding me??) , i just hope with this they also deliver a better online service, more money, more servers.. downloading a psn game is a bitch, but i think they really learned from the mistakes they made.
blackzio's comments