@Kunakai @nameaprice Eww so you're one of those folk that dont mind their pad getting greasy as hell! If you come round my house for a session, people like you are told to bring their own pad... or clean their hands properly after eating crips lol!
Bit of a silly move of from Ms imo... They would have been better off ignoring it so it just stayed a silly word used against them.... It's like them agreeing 360 is a RRoDbox...
Oh well... I guess it's official now... XBone... woof woof lol.
A game that shows men off to be violent, cheating assholes is degrading to women.... even though it has powerful women making powerful derisions, like Michaels wife leaving him or that PA woman.... there are no "normal" decent nice guys in the whole game, and there never has been. Ever heard that before now though? No.... ask youself why and get over yourself at the same time.
@Queuingreturns You know Driver came out 2 years after GTA right.... Yeah ofc you know that, you were just being a joker... No-one is that silly... right? :| :p
@cvfish Rift is the only true and real F2P game I have played before... If you have played this game and are defending it, claiming that it isn't P2W, you are either working for them... or one of the people that win (aka pay) and still under the spell:P
blakeney's comments