I think they must be deluded from 360's popularity... I honestly thought they would back track on the things that will surely make Xone fail.... but instead they just do press releases trying to convince people that they think differently!
Next they will come out swinging a pocket watch saying "Buy X one" in a dreamy voice lol" ... oh wait, that's essentially what this bit of news was :| :P
@lpool8 @MERGATROYDER Are you honestly suggesting that in life you either join the army and go get shot at for someone else.. or you're not doing something with your life??
In fact a mate of mine recently left the army to "do something with his life"... He realised it was all bullshit and said he spent most his time doing sweet **** all.....
Ok first of all... "Fortunately, we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it's called Xbox 360," Mattrick said."... yeah right... there is another option... called Ps4, and if they think people will go 360 instead, they are nuts!
And why does the military talk like there is no other option... they will just have to get ps4's like the rest of the world? Or is there a rule about non Usa products in base camp??
@Coyteria @jd7904 No think peoples best bet, and the move most will make, is to get a ps4.... quit talking like 360 is the only other option.... if you do really work at M$ i sugest you either ask to be moved to a different department.... or find a new job lol.... Xone will fail so hard im starting to wonder if it's a "take down" from within lol!
@frostbite2user @Ne-Plus-Ultra @jcouch2020 convo with xbone will go like this (player) "Xbox who sells the cheapest Ps4 bundle?" (xbox) links to amazon DriveClub PS4bundle" (player) *waving his hands manically like he is on the special bus ... (xbox) *Buys the bundle* (Player)Xbox, Open Ebay (xbox) *Pretends there is no net, thus making it a door stop and then shuts down* I think it knew why the player was opening Ebay :P
@jcouch2020 "new and exiting" to anyone over the age of 12 = "A fad that makes kids go 'ooo dope' but doesn't really get used by developers so is just a useless add-on".
So while you're pissing around waving and dancing about, while trying to play a "real" game, not a crappy one that is basically just a tech demo for said "Fad add-on", the rest of the gaming world will be enjoying gaming on a solid system that they actually like, not blindly follow.
The proof in the "not blindly follow" pudding is that 30%+ of the ps4 owners will be Xbox "fans" that aren't blind or following anything but their eyes/minds.
Usually i have never pre-ordered a console... this time round for the first time ever (!!) i think it is a must if you want a ps4 day1!
Using pretty much the "pulling numbers out my ass based on what the interwebz and my Facebook feed says method", I predict that Sony are about to gain 50%+ MS "fans"... easily too, probably more realistically!
blakeney's comments