"By retaining "game states in RAM while the unit is inactive", users would allegedly be able to resume playing a game with minimal waiting time upon waking up the console."
If this works like Pc shutdowns with Win8, It should make the load time a lot faster.
Big deal... to late EA.... i wont even waste my badwidth aquiring it "online" when you get round to changing the line of code that looks for a connection to call home too....
Its ok guys, no need to worry about them harvesting all the data gained from your facial expressions.... conversations etc into information for advertising agency's to "really" tailor adverts just for you. It would need a big ass expensive data center to even work and ms dont have....... oh wait!:P
@Janpieterzun I have heard they are making a South Park game where the main protag is "Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo"... it will be just like ET on the Atari... but.... WE GET 2 PLAY AZ A POO AND NO GAME EVA HAS LET ME DO THAT!!........
I love the way Saints Row started out almost the same as GTA3 and then realised they couldn't match it, so just went in a totally different direction. I'll be playing both! (as sad as that sounds)
Cant wait! #1 had one of, if not "the" best sound track from a game ever... #2 appears to top that! I think I actually have a sound geekgasm every time i play it lol!
@SithisNight you put wrong link up... buy going to uk.playstation.com/ps4/ you can let Ms know exactly how you feel about it.... If you think some petition will do anything think again... they have let you know where they stand on it.. they sugest you go buy a 360 lol.
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