As a side note... If i go and buy my 2yo daughter a knife and she ends up stabbing herself in the face with it.... can i lobby to ban sharpe knifes.....
Dont blame me... she wanted it but doesn't have ID so i just brought it on her behalf......
Yup when put like that.... it 100% prooves anyone behind this kinda shit is bat shit crazee.
100% of mature gamers that can differentiate between a GAME and REAL LIFE, have a severe issue with Parents that buy their Children an 18+ game! Thats why they are 18+... mature gamers can play a game as violent as Manhunt or with as many guns as Cod and doesn't feel the need to go and act that shit out or become insensitive to real life violence becuase we can differentiate.
If they made it illegal and fineable for parents to buy their little johnny the latest 18+ game, i bet not as many johnnys will be killing en mass (virtually)
It really annoys me, becuase of these idiots that go and buy it becuase their kid aint old enough... the art form known as games get throttled and cut to pieces into a watered down form.... in no way do i or should i expect to play a game like Hitman, and it be kiddy friendly becuase they know in theroy parents dont bother to wonder WHY a game might be 18+ then cry about it and ruin it for us!
Put that in your pipe and smoke it whiney parents!
@ZackRoyer @blakeney @DiamondDM13 Im currently playing AssasinsCreed3 and i already know alot more about Usa's history then i did before.
Games do so much more good for the world, not only then they get credit for.. for also then what most of goverments have done in the last 20years COMBINED!
I brought my first graphics card for this beast... i was pretty young and a pc noob at the time, saved all my "work experience" (in uk you get made to do a weeks free work somewhere while your in your final years of school... training you up for worker ant life sort of thing... i worked somewhere with a decent owner and he paid me min wage instead of nothing like most :P )..... got it home and couldnt work out why it wouldnt work..... then was told i needed a gfx card too!!! waited 6months to get one for christmas lol!!
The wait was worth it though, at the time Kingpin was the first "real life" fps... to me it was basicly GTA in a Fps style and with no cars... I loved the way enemy did'nt come in hoards and were pretty powerful agaist you... you didnt just go wading into a new area or towards someone..... i also loved the way guns held real power.... after playing for a while with just lead pips etc at hand...when you got a gun it felt crazy... kinda like guns in Manhunt!
Im with @drgribb.. how did you get this working on your pc? I dont think it was even supported by XP!
now ive seen it even closer and inperspective i would like to change my view on it from the announcment news post afew days back...... In that i think i said it looks like a Xbox360 pad after it has been ran over by a cartoon steam roller....
I can now see what it really looks like.... on of those 1001games-in-one you get off the market lol!! disrespect to peter brown.... but is he the brother of Spencer of the "Hedi & Spencer from The Hills" fame lol??
They should've done the future one first, so people can travel to the future and see how many half baked DLC they bring out for the game and decide not to bother lol.....
blakeney's comments