@Kayweg @blakeney Don't get me wrong... when I do buy games, its ALWAYS a solid product from a shop. not "digital"... I run a business that deals with digital product, so just pointing out why I think they have gone fully digital.
I don't get games digital for the very reason you pointed out... they tend to cost more, and I KNOW for a FACT that the whole process is ALOT cheaper... its the exact same deal for music... and music is cheaper digital. (?)
I did lol to myself when the Eco-system part come up on the live feed... come on! Its not the early/mid 00's anymore... people don't want their console to be an Eco-system lol...
That said... all conferences are full to the brim with the same spheel... and im looking forward to replacing my 3 with a 4!
It's more than likely so they can cut out the thing that's "major" in a games life span (besides development) and that is production and distribution. This way all they do is upload ONE package to steam, and a live date (amoung other things) and that's it... gone. No messing round making disks, getting them distributed to stores etc.... Good move imo considering the unexpted delays this has faced
@Gazdakka When I first saw it, I was actually willing to give it a shot.. seeing as it passed all their tests to the point it was almost actually the PS3 pad, it cant have been bad... PSX pad was "weird" and "different" too at one point!
@fuzzier Yea I was 14 when Gangsters one came out, I played the shit out of it, and casualy played number 2... they are good games too... but this is out now lol.. im not some kid that feels the need for nothing but "the best" all day everyday.
Everything I put was opinion, hence my stringing together of words such as "I think"...
The big bit in the middle is subjective though, if you think that was a stupid statement on the basis Gangsters one and/or 2 was or is better then this game... then, well I don't know what to say.... go complain at your mum for not cutting your sandwiches EXACTLY how you like them??(and she fucking knows how you like them cut too!!)
blakeney's comments