The bit where the city is burning, and you say the music didn't fit... I disagree.. and think the music was infact perfect in an artistic manner! We just needed "Foot Patrol" (jazz dancers) doing their "tang" to really make it the perfect scene! ;P
I fell out of love with Battlefield since EA got their claws in! The biggest kick in the teeth is the fact on EA's (its not run by Dice) Battlefield facebook page... they post vids of "Epic jet kills" that consist of people RAMMING etc.... full blown retarded.
@SaudiFury Not counting Badcompany (any true BF fan wont count Badcompany as part of the "Battlefield Series"...) this is the first and only Battlefield to have a single player story mode!
EA have their claws well and truly dug into Battlefield now though... expect 4 to be worse then 3!
Speaking for myself.. and I think other "true fans"... all we wanted was BF2 with next gen gfx and ofc Frostbite 2.
@Pyerun @Rynmik5 EA shipped it.... not Maxis. Also when EA go to Maxis and say "right we wanna release it now" and Maxis reply "But its not ready, the Ai is awful and the game is buggy" do you honestly think EA would be like "Ok cool, you take your time.."
No. Ea would've set a date with Maxis, then on that date, regardless of condition, EA take it (or snatch it!) bolt on their DRM and make do with what they have.. resulting in...well...this.
"We’re hoping you won’t stay mad and that we’ll be friends again when SimCity is running at 100 percent. "
I didn't buy this Sim City... but if I did, that kind of chat would seriously annoy me! They must think their customers are either 5 or REALLY dumb... or both!
My daughter gets "mad" when I wont give her chocolate milk.... but once she has forgotten about it we are "friends" again....
@jyml8582 Id love to see EA be patient next time they fit out their offices, and the contractors **** up and say "woooa guys, be patient" while the EA staff are having to work in a building site..... their tune would change all of a sudden :P
blakeney's comments