@pedershk @wexorian Well they be buying... not sure about the actual playing though lol... Its because of people like you with the "but its [enter your favourite series here]" attitude that has let the major publishers take things to another level like this.
Its blindly going with what ever you have to just to play [enter your favourite series here]... kinda similar to when half of Germany went with something because aspects of it suited them.... it just proved how far the right person/people can lead the masses blindly.... and apparently its pretty far.,... "Hey, you buy the game, but we have set out a series of checkpoints that means you must be online to play our game, even though its not online based... yes it results in you not being able to play the game for weeks/months and when you have no net... and yes it means you are essentially renting the game off us... but LOOK its the new [eenter your favourite series here]!!! *does magic wavey hands*
@MAD_AI In the grand scale of things.... looking back to 99-02 period... they always have been a bunch of faceless money hungry suits.... they just had a good poker face for the last 10 years or so, and have simply dropped it for a moment, so anyone too young to remember can now also see EA for what they are.
There was a time when they nearly "acquired" Take Two (obviously would've gained Rockstar too) a while ago... we are all SO lucky that shit never did go ahead!
Pretty much the same news as yesterday, minus all the negative comments down below... I guess a "new" bit of news on it beats deleting negative comments to insure EA pay the full % of their offer instead of the "bottom rate" for coverage like IGN etc......
At the end of the day, EA don't really care if 10million buy and play this for a year, or buy it and play it once... they make the same amount either way.
People the buy it KNOWING its "always online" with one hand, then complain about it when it goes tits up with the other hand... are the ones to blame for EA doing it again with what ever title they do it to next.
@pongley It not on Pirate Bay or other torrent sites, and proberly wont be.. not a proper cracked and working one anyway... its their greedy fail, because not only do they have poor sales for reasons x y and z.... but they lose the extra 5-10% of sales made from people playing the cracked one, then wanting to buy retail to get "full" features/support etc....
People like EA just cannot/will not face the facts, that if they do things properly, even those that pirate the game, and REALLY like it, will go and buy it for missing features... support offered etc.
Games like ARMA for example... a lot of their sales are from people that downloaded it, really liked it... but was having their experience ruined by the fact FADE was bugging their game....so they happily then go and buy it.
EA etc hold on to their Ip's like golem... they hold them so tight, even those PAYING have a hard time getting on the game because of their greed! Idiots.
Just click to say how funny the "image" for this on the news page looks... guy has a proper "It's NOT just a cute looking suit "thingy" there's more to it!!" look on his face.
That or it's a classic "Say something... omg say something... OH... and make it natural guy!"
@Goyoshi12 @blakeney I took "steam exclusive" as it's written "exclusive to steam"..... unless Steam does physical too? (I don't actually know, I don't buy digital/ use steam)
blakeney's comments