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ENtry 301 - NYLF/MED part 1

Alright, my experience during the NYLF Medicine Forum will be split into 2 different entries. Anyway, I will start with the very basics, and then list my schedule while briefly describing what happened.

Group: Williams
Forum Assistant (FA): Jessica Eikmeier
Med Session Room: White Hall - 218
Bus #: 4
Bus Count #: 19

Dorm #: 232
Door Combo: 3-4-1-25

Sunday, July 6, 2008 - Welcome to the Field of Medicine (day 1)
1:00 - 5:00 NYLF/MED Registration [Donahue Hall]
Family stayed while I chose universities where I want to experience medical school. I met with my FA, Jessica Eikmeier for the first time. I received my "Journal on Medicine", an NYLF/MED beverage bottle, my name tag, and my schedule.

5:00 - 6:15 Dinner [Dougherty Dining Hall]
I sat by myself due to the lack of friends. However, a Korean student decided to sit next to me. His name is 주찬양. He is a '90, from New Jersey, in the Kountz group, and break dances. I had made my first friend.

6:30 - 7:30 Welcome to NYLF/MED (Kristine Lavin, Program Coordinator - Development & Operations; Julie Yingling, Program Coordinator - Education) [Villanova Room, Connelly Center]
Introduced to the HIPAA concept during the briefing seminar. I can't remember what HIPAA was an acronym for, but it has to do with the importance of patient privacy. I had to sign a card that reads, "This card certifies that I participated in a HIPAA briefing seminar as part of the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. I understand HIPAA regulations and the importance of patient privacy."

7:45 - 9:45 Medical Education Discussion (MED) Session [MED Session Rooms]
We played a little name game with the group to assist us on getting to know each other. I honestly like my group. I would prefer to be in the Williams group than in another group. We had to say our names and tell of a favorite activity. I simply said my name and said that I like to play guitar.

10:00 - 10:45 Meet and Mingle Pizza Party [Belle Air Terrace, Connelly Center]
I made new friends: Kelvin Resureccion and Andrew Park. Kelvin decided to drop by my table while I was waiting for 찬양 and his friend, Andrew. We had a good conversation with each other, and I quickly developed a friendship with Andrew. The kid is a '92, Korean, from Virginia, in the Kountz group, and a break dancer as well. Afterwards, we all headed for our rooms, and I met my roommate. His name is John, a '92, in the Drew group, and of white origin. I never discovered his last name.

Monday, July 7, 2008 - New Frontiers in Medical Education (day 2)
7:00 - 7:40 Breakfast [Dougherty Dining Hall]

7:45 - 7:55 MED Session

8:00 - 9:00 Leadership in the Field of Medicine Opening Plenary (John Moore, MD, Clinical Professor of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, Jefferson Medical College) [Villanova Room, Connelly Center]

9:10 - 10:00; 10:10 - 11:55 MED Session

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch on Your Own

1:15 - 3:30 Problem Based Research Rotations (Problem Based Learning) [MED Rooms]
I met Sean Werner for the first time. We developed a friendship through an uncontrollable laughing "session" during PBL. He is a '91 like me, from New Jersey, and of German and Irish decent.

3:45 - 4:50 MED Session

5:00 - 6:00 Dinner

6:45 - 7:00 MED Session

7:15 - 8:15 Health Care in the 21st Century: Seminars on Medical Issues [MED Rooms]

8:30 - 9:15 MED Session

9:30 - 10:45 NYLF Quizzo [Belle Air Terrace, Connelly Center]
I didn't attend this. I also made another Korean friend - some time during the day - named 남연종. He's a '91, in the Spock group, from Pennsylvania, and likes to text with his friends.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 - Sneak Peek: Medical School Experiences (day 3)
7:00 - 8:00 Breakfast

8:00 - 9:00 Med. School Experience Departures
I was sent to the University of Pennsylvania (UPENN) School of Medicine. The Williams group was grouped with the Spock group. Thus, 종 and I developed a deeper friendship during the medical school experience. I also decided that my career as a doctor would be in family practice.

5:00 - 6:15 Dinner

6:30 - 7:30 MED Session

7:30 - 8:30 Life as a Resident: An Insider's Perspective [MED Rooms]

8:30 - 9:25 MED Session

9:30 - 10:45 Ice Cream Social [Belle Air Terrace, Connelly Center]
찬양, 종, Andrew and I hung out altogether. We all started to become very good friends.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 - Telemedicine (day 4)
8:30 - 9:15 Breakfast

9:30 - 10:15 MED Session

10:30 - 11:45 Bioterrorism & Public Health Plenary (Stuart Isaacs, MD - Assistant Professor of Medicine, UPENN Division of Infectious Disease; Ami Patel, PhD - Career Epidemiology Field Officer Public Health, Philadelphia Division of Disease Control) [Villanova Room]

11:45- 12:45 Lunch on Your Own
We had a good lunch - good food that is not provided very often on campus.

12:55 - 3:30 Telemedicine: Live Surgery Broadcast [Villanova Room]
We all sat together. We watched a live knee surgery on an overweight woman broadcasted in Ohio. The procedure was appalling at first, but I eventually became fascinated by the removal on bones through the usage of saws and hammers. The surgery eventually got dull, and I started to feel sleepy. However, the live surgery broadcast was a good, second-hand experience.

3:45 - 5:15 MED Session
I wrote a countdown on the days remaining until we all go home, and I also jotted down the exact length of time of each activity.

5:15 - 6:30 Dinner

6:30 - 9:00 MED Session

9:15 - 10:00 Clinical Site Visit Briefings [Donahue Hall]

Thursday, July 10, 2008 - Exploring Medical Career Options (day 5)
7:00 - 9:00 Breakfast

6:30 - 9:30 Clinical Experience Departures

8:00 - 3:00 Medicine in Practice: Curing and Healing
I was sent to the Penn Presbyterian Hospital. Until 12, the assigned students and I watched the recording of the removal of a hemorrhaged kidney. For the rest of the time outdoors, we headed for the mall. I hung out with Lauren, Kelvin, and Lerossa. However, I spent most of the time with Lauren. She's a '91, in a relationship, plays lacrosse, and of white origin. We talked a lot during our time spent in the mall, and became friends.

5:00 - 6:15 Dinner

6:30 - 6:45 MED Session

7:00 - 7:45 What's Your Specialty?: Session I
The Family Medicine session was cancelled, so I had no choice but to attend a session on plastic surgery for those with clefts, congenital birth defects, and deep facial scars - not the subject for me. I became friends with a girl named Gina from my group. Though I don't know much about her, we became friends during the session.

8:00 - 8:45 What's Your Specialty?: Session II
I accidentally ended up attending the same session.

9:00 - 9:15 MED Session

9:30 - 10:30 Karaoke & Snacks [Bella Air Terrace, Connelly Center]
I didn't attend the karaoke. Andrew went with 종 and 찬양, and invited me to come. I refused his offer. Later that night, 찬양 and 종 decided not to go due to kids smoking and "drinking".

Entry 300

Saturday - June 21, 2008

After a well-went praise practice session, we - the Praise Team - agreed to watch The Incredible Hulk at Loews Theaters in Bay Terrace. The people who went were Areum, Diana, Eddy, Gus, Mark, Zach, and me.

The movie was great, However, I would only recommend it as a good-watch instead of a movie one would consider a purchase on DVD. It's too bad that Hulk was weaker in the movie than he is in the comics. He got his ass handed to him when he fought the Abomination for the first - and last - time. Instead of gamma transmutation as the cause for the creation of Banner's alter ego, it was due to some preliminary super soldier program. The movie was still good though; it is definitely better than the previous mediocre Hulk movie.

One thing that I really appreciated was when PT came back after I told them that I was going to wait for the taxi by myself. I told them to go their own way over the phone with Zach. However, they came back - all of them. I really appreciated it, but I didn't thank them. I really regret not thanking them... :?

Sunday - June 22, 2008

PT went to Areum's apartment after service. However, Mark went to play basketball with some of the teachers.

Anyway, I had a good time there. We played Crazy Eights (Uno), Chinese Poker, Monopoly, and Cranium. I guess we all had a good time. Whatever the case, the best part of the day was Areum's cooking. Her food was really good. I thanked her numerous times for going out of her way to bring us over to her house, along with other non-PT-but-church-related people, and cook for all of us. It must've been really difficult work; Areum spent nearly all of her time spent in the kitchen. Dawoon helped Areum out and was also fine with many people over at her apartment as well, so I thanked Dawoon also. Yes, Areum and Dawoon share the same apartment, not separate ones.

Entry 299

Dad bought me an XBOX 360 on Wednesday, June 11. I am SERIOUSLY thankful for having a father like Dad. What other family has a father as generous, loving, diligent, and caring such as my Dad? Thank you, LORD, for blessing me with a family that I don't deserve. Thank You, LORD, and bless my family.

The XBOX games that Dad bought me were Grand Theft Auto 4, Halo 3, and the Rock Band bundle. It came out to be over $600, but that was with the deductions of my used games. I should've listened to Dad and wait for the games on to sell instead of selling them to a damn store. I could've made so much more. :?

The games are just awesome. I spend hours and hours playing them. I even got a red eye from playing Halo 3 too much. I haven't been adhering to my routine lately. I can't let these addicting games get to me. I have to start working out again as well.

Praise Team is in a bit of danger at the moment. After we, the current members, move on with our futures, what will be of PT as a result? As of now, there are 3 official trainees: Eddy on bass, Danica on piano, and Gina on the projector. There are no trainees for electric guitar, male and female vocalists, acoustic guitar, and drums. Jonathan says he is "interested", but no more. He makes an excuse that his time schedule is in conflict with PT. It's far too early to tell, but I hope he makes it to be an official electric guitarist of PT in the future. But knowing the Jonathan that I know, I believe that he'll be too danm stubborn to devote himself to God in PT. Damn...

I created an account to sell my used CD's and games online. I sold Super Mario Galaxy, and getting Breaking Benjamin's Phobia CD prepared for sale. However, my account is not linked up to any bank account at the moment. It's a good thing that the funds are on hold for 14 days. I wish I could use my own bank account, but I don't have access to checks. I have to use either Mom or Dad's bank account. I should've waited for WarioWare, Star Fox Assualt and Star Fox Adventures to sell... People actually wanted these 3 games, but I just had to sell them to Gamestop at a damn low price. I could've made 2 times more money through Stupid...

Entry 298

Nothing particularly new has been happening lately. Though there may be several things.

School is ending in two days. After that, there will numerous exams that I have to take. I am really not looking forward to those interminably long hours of examinations... I just want to get them over with and out of my freakin' way...

Each day gradually stretches more and more. There is really nothing to do around here. I have no friends, and I have no good games to waste my time on. Wii really sucks.

I am seriously planning on purchasing an XBOX 360. I have a small list of X360 games I want judged on its rating: Halo 3 (9.5); GTA 4 (10); Rock Band (9). I doubt that I will be getting an X360 any time soon. Jonathan and I have "big" exams to take, Jonathan isn't going to be finishing school until the 27th, and I have to attend the NYLF Medical Forum in Philadelphia on July 7 to July 15. However, I have planned somewhat ahead.

To pay off a small fraction of the amount, I have gathered a few items to sell to either Press Start or Gamestop. The items are my black Gamecube, Super Mario Galaxy (Wii), WarioWare Smooth Moves (Wii), Star Fox Adventures (GCN), Star Fox Assault (GCN), The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GCN), and Mario Superstar Baseball (GCN). Dad has to go along with me to get cash out of this small bunch. Star Fox would have to be sold to Gamestop because of its damn Gamestop cover. My Gamecube might also have to be sold to Gamestop because I'm not sure whether or not Press Start buys used game consoles. I'm not sure on what the exact amount these items will sell for, but I am absolutely certain that the amount will barely reach the $100 "threshold".

GTA 4 (new) is $59.99; Halo 3 (new) is $59.99; Rock Band (bundle) is $169.99; X360 Pro (new) is $349.99; wireless X360 controller is $49.99. With the sales tax, the grand, damned total is worth $747.73. Hopefully my little "inventory" would knock it down to somewhere in the high 600's. :?

In other news, Dad has finally become an official Auxiliary Police Officer (APO). It's been almost a year since Dad first volunteered to become an APO. The FBI was apparently "booked", and couldn't get to the APO files. Well, congratulations to Dad for accomplishing his childhood dream of becoming a police officer. Though he isn't an actual PO, an APO is just fine.

Entry 297

We had a 한국 학교 발표 on Saturday. Though it was rather humiliating to be part of the "finale", Jonathan and I, managed to get through it all.

After the presentation, Diana invited me to watch a movie with the praise team. I accepted her offer, got Mom's permission and invited Jonathan as well. Jonathan refused my "invitation" because he dislikes going to movie theaters and prefers to be at home.

Those who came along to watch a movie were Areum, Mark, Diana, Zach, Eddy and me. However, we witnessed the truth of Murphy's Law: "Anything that could go wrong, will go wrong." The things that have gone wrong - Zach and Diana didn't have metrocards; weather turned for the worse when it started to rain; Zach's mother was sick so we couldn't go to his house to watch a movie and sleepover; the earliest "Harold and Kumar" movie was at 10:55 PM; Areum had to make posters for the bazaar; Diana's mother wouldn't let her go to Zach's house - forced us to turn to Blockbuster and rent a movie. Fortunately for us, I had a Blockbuster card in my possession, and all of us had more than enough money for our demands.

Probably after 30 minutes, we finally decided to rent "Good Luck Chuck" and "Awake", Diana and Zach's recommendations, respectively.

On the way to Zach's house, Zach admitted that he didn't get his mother's permission, and highly doubted the chance of us going to his house because of his "low" SAT score ranging between 1600 to 1700. Though he considered a Praise Night celebration as an excuse for us to come over, difficulties such as the consent of our church deducted this reasoning. Mark called his aunt to let us crash at his place, and got her permission. However, Diana's mother wouldn't let Diana to go to Mark's house. Instead, Diana got her mother's consent for us to watch our rented movies at her house.

We watched "Good Luck Chuck", but we did not have the time to watch "Awake". We all left Diana's house at around 12 AM. Of course, we thanked her on our way out. Mark, Zach, Eddy and I walked Areum to her place. Afterwards, we all headed for Mark's house to sleepover. We stayed up until 3 in the morning. Mark and Zach worked out while Eddy and I played Halo 2 on Mark's XBOX. I took my turn on working out while Zach had his chance to play Halo 2.

I was the first of the four of us to wake up. I took a quick, slipshod shower. After I dried up and headed for the XBOX, Zach woke up and headed for the shower. After a while, Jun came down to the basement. Eddy woke up, and Mark awoke from his slumber afterwards.

We all headed to church, and had a regular day. I got home and took a full, complete shower.

Now, I'm going to catch on a few things that I haven't done yesterday.

Entry 296 - Working with the Band

Know what to play
1. Know the scales
2. Preparation: Practice, Rehearse, Sound Check, Perform

Listen to each other
Bass - bass guitar; kick drum and floor/ rack toms
Contour - rhythm guitar; keys; vocals
Treble - keys, lead guitar; female vocals

When and when not to play

Understand the song
1. Sometimes, a song does not need the guitar, but, for instance, the keys.
2. Most importantly, the songs represent expression to God; what one plays needs to tie-in with the song's message.

Entry 295 - Guitar Checklist

Look for the following in a desired guitar:

1. shape; style; color
2. price
3. fingerboard
4. inlays
5. bridge
6. knobs & tone switch
7. pickups
8. number & size of frets
9. headstock
10. brand

Entry 294

The following Sunday after PN, we all went to church for Sunday service as usual. However, Lawrence planned a sleepover for the day.

At around 5:50 PM or so, Dad drove me to Lawrence's house. Lawrence lived on the 2nd floor of a house shared with another person or family. I packed my clothes, some of my hygiene items such as allergy medication, toothbrush, WII, Wiimotes, my Gamecube controller, Guitar Hero 3, and the guitar controllers. Gus and Peter were already there.

The people who would go to Lawrence's house were Gus, Peter, Zach, David, John, Mike, Johnny, Sam and me. The people who would actually sleepover were Gus, Peter, Zach, David, John, Sam and me.

We played Mario Kart Wii, Guitar Hero 3, and Wii Sports on my Wii. Peter brought his Wii over, but he did not bring his Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I won with ease in every game except Wii Sports. Someone - I cannot remember who it was exactly - called me the "Wii Master". :lol: I try to be modest.

After a little while of playing games, Lawrence took us out to eat at a Thai restuarant. Apparently, Thai food is known for its spiciness. On the contrary, I know Thai as a disgusting version of Chinese food. I could barely eat anything that was ordered. Everyone else, on the other hand, had no trouble eating their food. I'm never eating Thai food again...

Lawrence managed to squeeze in a QT during the night. Unfortunately and regrettably, we were not very involved in the QT. I wish I had cooperated with Lawrence, who actually put God before the sleepover and games. :(

We all went to bed at 2:30 AM. Peter and David slept on the couch bed, Lawrence slept in one of his rooms, Sam slept in Lawrence's room, Zach slept on the couch, John and I shared a room BUT DIFFERENT BEDS, but I do not know where Gus slept.

We woke up at 5:30 AM - at least I did... I woke up by the sounds of people awake and by John's obnoxious snoring and teeth grinding. Johnny drove me home along with his older brother, Sam and Peter as additional passangers. They were all going to church to help prepare for the annual Memorial Day picnic. I, on the other hand, did not go.

The sleepover was alright.

Entry 292 - Praise Night

Praise Night: May 24, 2008. Saturday. 6 PM - 8 PM.

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength." Isiah 40:30-31

Praise Night (PN) was really great! There seriously has to be more PN's. I can't wait until the next one.

A decent number of people came to PN. I can't really say if the main chapel was packed, but there were certainly a lot of people. PN began at around 6 PM instead of the scheduled time of 5:30 PM. When I took a quick glance at the "crowd", I got really nervous. After the reminders and the introduction movie, we went straight into The Time Has Come. Even though I was nervous in the beginning, I eventually loosened up somewhere during the middle. I just began to sing along with the lyrics.

After praise, Peter and Sarah Park - our MCs - went up and simply hosted PN. They continued to host PN after every ministry finished their part.

PN's program went in the following order:
Praise - LCPC YG Praise Team

Sermon - 최영준 전도산님

Body Worship - Avalon's "Testify to Love"
Leader: Diana Cho
Ashley Ko, Susan Cho, Gina Yoo, Elizabeth Noh, Grace Kim, Bora Jung

Dance - Sister Act II's "Joyful, Joyful"
Leader: Areum Yun
Elizabeth Kim, Ulrica Kim, Danica Han, Dawoon Yun, Jun Hong

Music Video - Chris Tomlin's "Come Home Running"
Leader: Mark Hong
John Rim, Jonathan Rim, Diana Cho, Susan Cho, Danica Han, Ashley Ko, Gina Yoo, Suah Lee

Skit - "Refresh"
Leader: Zach Han & Jin Lee
Peter Park, Diana Cho, Sarah Park, Susan Cho, Jun Hong, Joshua Kim, Brian Kim, David Na, Gina Yoo, Joshua Cho, Mark Hong

Testimony - Geoff Moore & Steven Curtis Chapman's "Listen to Our Hearts"
Lead by: Mark & Peter
Diana Cho, Dawoon Yun, Zach Han

There was no Session 2 of praise (Jesus, You Alone and Solution) because the adults had a freakin' seminar scheduled on the same day. PN was cut short because of this.

There were also many technical difficulties (TD). Music video was going smoothly until we hit a TD - the wrong version of the song, Come Home Running. Eddy used the real song instead of the modified version that had the 11-second clip of looped sirens. Another TD was when the main chapel's projector just refused to display the skit video. Peter and Sarah had to resort to telling jokes.

Other than some TD's and the adults' seminar, PN was great. I felt really drawn into PN. Though I can't say that I've been fully refreshed, I felt very blessed after PN - and tired.

The next church event to look forward to: summer retreat. I look forward to spending a lot of time with the church, and most of all, God.