1. be a better son, brother, etc.
2. get better grades; score above 1250 on SAT
3. get better at guitar playing (Praise Team; overall hobby)
4. gain weight (reach 130 lbs)
5. arrive early - if not exactly on time - to Sunday Service
6. continue to pray every night
7. be the "Good Friend"
8. exercise/ workout more often
9. get better at 한국어
10. speak up; show some bravery
11. offer as much as possible to God/ mature as a Christian
blazewind191 Blog
Entry 230 - Breakup Check
by blazewind191 on Comments
From Yahoo! Personals:
1. Has There Been a Major Change in My Life?
Any major change - "relocation, career change, illness" - can cause a problem in a relationship. If one is stressed out, it is very tempting/ likely that the partner will be included. "It is very easy to think that if one got out of their relationship they would feel better. In reality, one needs to deal with the problem rather than blame it on their partner."
2. What's My Happiness Ratio?
Adopt the 80% Rule than the 100% Rule (one must be perfectly satisfied with their partners in order to stay with them). "Ask yourself: Am I satisfied with my partner 80% of the time or more? If the answer is yes, then you're working with pretty good odds. If the answer is no, you may want to consider moving on."
3. Is She Abusive?
"Abusive behavior comes in many forms. There's physical abuse where someone hits, slaps or shoves you. A verbally abusive partner degrades you with harsh words and insults. And the most difficult to identify and pinpoint: psychological abuse. This form of abuse can involve overly controlling behavior, emotional blackmail, and episodes of extreme jealousy. If your partner engages in any of the above behavior, don't just walk -- run from the relationship."
4. Have I Expressed My Frustration?
"Many of us think that if our partner was right for us, he/she would be able to understand our needs intuitively without us ever having to communicate. While it would be great if our partners could just read our minds, the truth is that few of us are telepathic."
"Make sure to discuss your doubts and concerns so your partner will make it up to you."
5. Am I Willing to Work at It?
One factor can "make or break the relationship: your mutual desire to work on the relationship. If you're not both committed to improving your quality of life together, there's very little hope for the future. And remember, actions speak louder than words. If both of you make a concerted effort to work on the relationship and make the necessary changes that are required, there's really no reason to call it quits."
Entry 229
by blazewind191 on Comments
I went to church on the 24th and the 25th for the Christmas celebration/ service.
I arrived at church at around 6:50 PM. We, Jamaican group, did some quick practice and altered the dance with some nice Jamaican touches. The dance came out to be funny and enjoyable - and a little humiliating. Service ended at around 9:30 or so... I didn't bother to check the time.
At home, I gave out Dad's present (a Teakwood Eddie Bauer vest), Mom's present (a white Eddie Bauer sweater), and Jenna's present (the yellow M&M doll). I already bought Jonathan a Wii game: WarioWare Smooth Moves. Jonathan apparently dislikes it.
As for my presents, Dad already got me the awesome Transblack Jackson MG Series MGDK Dinky electric guitar. Mom got me a wine red necktie, and Jenna "scammed" me and Jonathan by giving us gifts that were already in the house: Jenna gave me a little cup for drinking wine - or shots, and those pinecone-shaped hand grips; Jenna gave Jonathan 2 packs of tissues and a small, used notebook with the pen addition that was a originally a gift for Dad's company.
I had to go to church again on the 25th. I have to admit that service was very long; people seemed to be stalling and torturing me and Jonathan by keeping us in our seats for 2 or so hours. After service, the youth group all gathered at the youth group chapel. Everyone gave their gifts as another's Secret Santa. I gave Paul the $25 Gamestop gift card that he wanted. Jonathan forgot to bring the Transformers DVD for Zach and apologized to him. Gus was my Secret Santa and forgot to bring his present as well and apologized. I guess I'll be getting my little present from Gus on Saturday as well as giving Zach his DVD.
That's the update. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Entry 228 - 10 Tips for Approaching
by blazewind191 on Comments
From Yahoo! Personals...
1. Observe something. Make a comment about something you observe in the environment. This is especially effective at the grocery store. For example, if she is ordering a turkey sandwich, ask her if the turkey is good here. Make your comment immediate to the situation and it will seem perfectly natural. No matter where you are, there is always something interesting to comment on.
2. Smile. This shows her that you are friendly and confident. A genuine smile not only feels good to you, but will put her at ease while creating openness in the interaction -- a requirement for building rapport.
3. Do not hesitate. If you hesitate in your approach, this tells her that you are not feeling confident -- an immediate turn-off. When you see her, walk over to her within a short period of time (the three-second rule). Show her you are a man who knows what he wants and goes after it.
4. Positive body language. If you approach hunched over with your head down, you are sending negative information about yourself, which makes you dead in the water before you begin. Stand up straight, with shoulders back and chest out, and use a firm yet relaxed walk
5. Not too fast. If you walk over too fast, you could likely trigger her internal alarm. A calm, casual approach is usually the best way to make her feel at ease with you.
6. Keep eye contact. Never be the first to break eye contact when you approach. If you do, this sends the message that you are not feeling good about approaching. When you use strong eye contact, she will feel more drawn to you. With practice, you can master this.
7. Listen up. Make sure you pay careful attention to what she says. Do not have your response pre-thought out. Women love a man who pays attention to the details of what she says. If you start throwing out random words, she will lose interest fast.
8. Do not fidget. Fidgeting after you approach is distracting and shows you are uncomfortable. If you communicate that you are uncomfortable, she will feel uncomfortable, too, and will close up. Practice being aware of your movements. Pay attention to those movements, or lack of movements, that communicate comfort and confidence.
9. Lighten your tone of voice. The tone of your voice is a very powerful tool. Approaching her in a light and playful tone is one of the best ways to start. You could also begin in a serious tone, accusing her of something like "I hope you saved some turkey for me," followed by a quick smile to let her know you are joking. Practice playing with your vocal tone with your friends -- notice the different reactions you get when you say the exact same thing using varied tones and fluctuations.
10. Lean away from her. A man who leans in too far when he talks often makes a woman feel crowded. A better approach is to lean away from her slightly. This lets her know that you respect her space, boundaries, and are comfortable with yourself.
Entry 227 - 10 Worst Romantic Gifts
by blazewind191 on Comments
Gift to avoid #1: Unless you are planning on proposing, avoid gifting jewelry, especially a ring, as that perceived level of commitment may intimidate your sweetheart.
Gift to avoid #2: While a ring may be considered overboard, anything impersonal, such as a kitchen appliance or gift card can be construed as thoughtless or insincere.
Gift to avoid #3: Avoid gifting lingerie for your first holidays together. It may be considered too intimate and send the wrong message.
Gift to avoid #4: Gifting something selfish, such as sporting event tickets when you know your significant other isn't a sports fan, can relay that you may be more focused on your own interests than that of the person you are getting the gift for.
Gift to avoid #5: Work-related items that promote efficiency at the office should generally be avoided. Why bring up "work" during the holidays, which is a time for relaxation.
Gift to avoid #6: Clothing may be offensive, especially if you aren't sure about what size to purchase.
Gift to avoid #7: Animals as presents are generally bad ideas unless you know the person very well. Pets are huge commitments and way too serious for a "first holiday" together.
Gift to avoid #8: Re-gifting is never a good idea, especially if it's a gift from a past relationship.
Gift to avoid #9: Forget clichés, such as boxes of chocolates or flowers. They show little thought or effort.
Gift to avoid #10: Avoid gifts that may suggest that your significant other needs to change something about himself/herself, such as exercise clothes or gym equipment, which may say that he/she doesn't look good enough as he/she is.
"Top 3 Worst Examples"
Lump-of-coal award winner: The boyfriend who bought his girlfriend a Wii. Turns out that she wasn't a gamer, he just needed a place to put the Wii because he already had an Xbox and Playstation 3 at his house.
Lump-of-coal award winner: The boyfriend who gave his girlfriend a rabbit that died the next day.
Lump of irony award winner: The boyfriend who gave his girlfriend a puppy. The puppy required so much time and attention that the girl didn't have any time left over for the boyfriend.
Entry 226
by blazewind191 on Comments
I've been neglecting updates lately...
New LCPC YG officers for 2008 have been elected at church on Dec. 2. They are (former officers are in parentheses):
President - Zach Han (David Jhee)
Vice President - Sangjin Ahn (Ashley Ko)
General Director - Diana Cho (Zach Han)
Secretary - Bora Jung (Diana Cho)
Treasurer - Eddie Kim (Joshua Cho)
I congratulate these newly elected officers and pray that they will lead the youth group in a faithful manner. I also thank the former officers for doing a great job - though I wasn't attending LCPC at that time...
Anyway, the biggest news is on Lawrence's special dinner at Tony Di Napoli's Restaurant on Dec. 7.
I took the Korean taxi to 2nd Av. on 83rd St. I called Diana when I arrived at 83rd St., and she told to meet her and Jessica at Gamestop on 86th St. Luckily for me, I found the right store. Diana had collected the money to buy Lawrence a DS Lite. I played an XBOX 360GH3 demo there. Before we left to meet everyone at Tony's, I bought Paul a $25 gift card at Gamestop for Secret Santa. Sarah arrived at Gamestop while I was in line, too.
We all walked down to Tony's to wait for the others. However, we - or THEY -went to Duane Reade to buy wrapping paper to wrap Lawrence's gift as well as getting him a card. I had to wait for a while before we actually went to Tony's. We had to wait until around 5:30 for Joshua and Zach to arrive. Paul and Yoosung weren't able to make it. I don't remember when Liz arrived... Anyway, Lawrence called either Diana or Jessica (I can't remember...) to get a table. It wasn't long before Lawrence arrived and we started eating. Some hilarious pictures were taken while eating.
After we were done eating, we headed to Rockefeller Center. There, we made a quick stop to St. Patrick's Cathedral. I had mistaken the cathedral for St. Peter's Cathedral... Anyway, we continued to go to Rockefeller Center. There, a man proposed to his girlfriend at the ice rink - what a way to propose. :lol: The couple had the entire ice rink to themselves, too. The woman must've felt very happy and surprised. Even though I may not know them, I hope their relationship goes smoothly and that they'll have a nice family as well. Diana also mentioned that she would like to be proposed like that. :lol:
We took group pictures at the Christmas tree. People were also dressed as Shrek and the Grinch, Elmo, and Santa. After those pictures, Lawrence had a surprise for us - or for himself as he said. That surprise was Nintendo World. Joshua was really happy at the store. In a showcase was a gem-encrusted Wii with the Twilight Princess design. A nice work of art, but has the price of over $1000. I figured that GH3 for the Wii was there, so I told Lawrence that I was going to play the game. According to Lawrence, GH3 was on the 2nd floor. I found the GH3 booth and began to play. Apparently, the entire group went to the 2nd floor, too, and found me playing GH3. They were all amazed at my "skill" of playing Cult of Personality on the expert difficulty. I failed the song at 80%... Joshua played La Grange on the medium difficulty. I recommended Welcome to the Jungle for Liz. She didn't do very well, but she still managed to survive. I played Welcome to the Jungle after Liz was finished and got the 1st place rank on the song - not as good as my personal record at home.
We headed over to Time Square. There, we went to the M&M's store. Diana happened to have a liking for the yellow M&M. I decided to buy her a yellow M&M shirt for Christmas - one that Diana said she liked. However, she said that she didn't want me to get it for her. Stubborn as I am, I decided to get her the shirt anyway. Even though I was serious, everyone else thought differently, so the shirt had to be put back - by Diana. Feeling a little regret for deciding to buy something for someone but leaving empty-handed, I secretly bought a yellow M&M doll for Diana. I don't think it was such a good idea... It'll probably be unfair to the others since I didn't get anything for them. Damn...
We made a quick trip to the Toys R' Us store. I bought Raw Vs. Smackdown 2008 for Jonathan. The game sucks... We all headed home after that.
I got lost by taking the C train instead of the E train back home. I didn't realize that I was actually riding the C train until the 3rd stop. I came home at around 11:30. Thank God for letting me come home safely late at night by myself.
I didn't go to 한글학교 on Saturday. I was too tired from the walking. However, I did go to Saturday service. I actually played well for the first time. "You're Love Goes on Forever" was my first success.
I guess that's it for the week. Spelling has been checked and now the entry is over.
Entry 225 - Good Conversation Questions
by blazewind191 on Comments
Have you ever had gum stuck in your hair?
What're you up to?
What have you been doing today?
Do you enjoy cleaning?
Neat Freak or Slob?
Have you ever made a meal yourself?
What is your million dollar idea? Want to hear mine?
Meat on the outside of a sandwich and bread on the inside.
Pepsi or Coca Cola? Describe the tastes.
What's your ideal hamburger?
Favorite/ least favorite color?
Favorite word?
Favorite/ least favorite cereal?
Favorite/ least favorite food?
Favorite/ least favorite movie?
Have you ever walked out of a movie because it was so bad?
What is the most appealing color to your eyes on any object?
Do you like ice cream?
Yes - Favorite flavor(s)?
No - Why not?
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Do you like sports or participate in any sports?
What's your ideal breakfast?
Be a nerd or be cool? (Life is especially short when you party too much)
What would be your dream role?
Dogs or cats? Puppy or kitten?
Have you ever walked out of a movie because it was so bad?
Did you ever drool? Drool when you slept?
Who is your worst enemy?
What is your worst fear? Do you have any other fears?
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
If you could punch any celebrity in the face, who would it be?
If you could get rid of one person in the world, who would it be?
What's one crazy, ridiculous thing you want to do before you die?
Word Association Game
Ex.: "tomato"
Entry 224
by blazewind191 on Comments
Here's the update.
On Saturday, November 24, I finally had my praise team interview with 영 전도산님, Julie 집산님, and 아름.
I guess I can say that the interview went well. I will be an official member of praise team as theelectric guitarist. At last... This is not some pathetic way to cry out for attention or to show off my guitar skills. Instead, it is solely for the purpose of praising God.
Lord Father God, You have done so many things for me, blessed me with a great deal of materialistic items, a wonderful family, a good school, a shelter, many luxuries, food and water, great friends, and of course, a great church. Thank You, Lord. I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me. You are always there when I need you. All I can do in return is to give small offerings. I willingly pray to You every night before I go to sleep, I give offering, and I attend Sunday service as well as Saturday service. Now, I will be a part of praise team. It is a big responsibility though; I will be LEADING praise to You. Give me strength Lord not to falter when I use this talent You have blessed me with to praise Your name; give me strength to praise You in a professional manner. I do NOT intend to make any errors. It is not only embarrassing and humiliating, but it is also rather pathetic. I've been playing for nearly 4 years and I might make huge mistakes. Lord, give me strength to praise your name in a correct, professional way. Indeed, I can lead praise in an enthusiastic, thankful, and professional way.
I will officially be a member of praise team starting on January 1, 2008.
In other news, I have my SAT and PSAT scores:
Critical Reading - 510
Math - 630
Writing - 610
Total - 1750
Critical Reading - 54
Math - 64
Writing - 57
Total - 175
Percentile - 85
I have the same score on both my SAT and PSAT tests... You know, I find it rather pathetic. It's amazing, too. I need the score of 1100 or higher on the SAT to attend St. John's University, and I barely made with the score of 1140. This is really pathetic... How could I be so idiotic??? I MUST do A LOT better than this... I should at least accumulate a score of 1900 altogether. I'm such a damn idiot...
Entry 223 - LISTEN Decision Making
by blazewind191 on Comments
The elements of good moral decision making based on "Growing in Christian Morality":
L: Look for the facts.
Figure out what the real situation is. "The aim is to identify what is going on, or what is involved in the situation." Figure out the who, what, when and where, why, and how of the situation.
I: Imagine possibilities.
Consider consequences - long-term as well as short-term, creative approaches, and options. "One way to imagine possibilities when trying to make a decision is to be creative in coming up with options or solutions to the dilemma."
S: Seek insight beyond your own.
Look for help from family, religion, wise persons, and moral principles. In other words, seek help from family, friends, the example of heroes, laws, moral principles, and the teachings of Jesus and the church. "It is unwise to seek the insights of certain people just because you know they will tell you what you want to hear. Mere confirmation of your own opinions ends up cheating you of the help that you could receive from people who genuinely care about you and would not hesitate to disagree with you if disagreement were needed."
T: Turn Inward.
Examine your own feelings, insights from experience, motives, and values. Listen to own values and desires, motives, and feelings. This is known as "inner reality" - the inner world of the person making the decision. Through this, all motives could be seen more clearly and the motives that would be used to base decisions on would be decided.
E: Expect God's help.
"Believe that God is present in your life, especially in your honest attempts to seek the truth. Through prayer we can ask God to listen to us, as well as to help us listen to reality with an attitude of openness to truth."
N: Name your decision.
"Even if it is simply to asay you are postponing a decision, say so. Don't just let yourself and events drift. Drifting - letting things just float off without an awareness of any decision at all - invites passivity and a lack of direction and focus in a person's life." IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING, YOU MIGHT END UP SOMEWHERE ELSE.
Entry 222 - Some Relationship Tips
by blazewind191 on Comments
A relationship is a TWO-WAY STREET: have some time to give.
No one is dominant. The girl isn't your boss... If you do whatever she tells you to do and/or submissive before her, then you are WHIPPED.
Respect the girl's decisions, and she should respect your decisions, too.
Do NOT nag. The girl is who she is, and why would you love the girl if you intend to change the way she is and what she likes doing?
Do NOT ask for permission. Simply tell her what you would be doing.
Girls may come and go; friends last forever. Either way, give time for BOTH the girl and friends.
If you don't like what the girl is doing, simply tell her that you don't like what she did. Do NOT hold it in or else the issue would become a heated argument. It CAN be avoided. The girl would change her ways if she loved you enough. However, if she doesn't change her ways, then there's nothing you can do.
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