MAN! I haven't updated for HOW LONG NOW??? I guess it's time to start updating again. Well, I'll keep this REALLY short.
I got into a fight with a sp !k. Christine and I were at Press Start playing games. Christine started to feel cold, so she went outside to warm up. I saw her on I.S. 73's block. Then she thought that these sp !k kids (the same that made fun of the Asian descent) called us idiots. She snapped and ran after them. These kids claimed that they weren't insulting us, but they were insulting each other. Either way, this one short light-skinned sp!k insulted our nationality, so then I got really pissed. I walked after that kid - who was riding a bike - into the school's yard. I pushed him down and told him to apologize. When Christine and I were heading back, the chubby dark-skinned sp !k called someone on his cell phone. That kid called the light-skinned sp !k's old brother. That's when I got into my first fight. I got hurt with a busted lip, tooth pain, pain on my abdomen, and a laceration on my left elbow.
There were two adults in their 40's or so. We had a little talk and then called the police. Then I was sent to the Elmhurst hospital, with Christine driven home by the cops. All this stuff happened and such... I healed up completely after several weeks; my elbow taking the longest.
I started to attend a new church three weeks ago called the Love of Christ Presbyterian Church. Though Jonathan and I were new, some people greeted us affably. They are all very kind actually. However, Jonathan, Jenna and I kept to ourselves. During our second week at LCPC, Young 전도산님 figured out that I was a guitarist because of my habit of playing air-guitar along with the songs I listen to on my mp3.
On the third week, Jenna and I set out for out first LCPC retreat. Nervous at first, Jenna and I soon blend in to our new church - or at least Jenna did. During my four-day-three-night stay, I became friendly with many people of the LCPC youth group. Soon enough, I made friends with Diana, Sang Jin, Zach, and Gina. Even though I supposedly made friends, I was left out most of the time. Diana told me that it's more like I CHOOSE to be alone. I think she's right...
The 전고산님 for our retreat was Mr. Kenneth Chun. He is a very funny and enthusiastic person. I actually stayed awake during all of his sermons and actually listened to every word he said. I also got into a very intimate moment of prayer with God that actually ended up in me crying in some of my prayers; I have never cried like that while praying EVER in my entire life.
I have to say, one of my most favorite moments at the retreat was PAINTBALL. :lol: It was SO fun. Actually, the whole scenery that ranges from the sounds of everyone's guns to the environment to the strategies to movement, it actually felt like war. Everyone was split evenly into two groups: white-banded and non-banded. I was put with the white bands. The most painful shots are the ones that hit you, but fail to hit and bounce off. Those shots really sting.
During the first round, Sang Jin and I were comrades and stuck together. That was when I survived my first hit: getting hit on my right forearm. I don't remember the chronological order of what exactly happened, but this happened near my demise of ammo shortage. :? While I took cover behind a small wooden fence, I took out an enemy with whom I was exchanging shots with. After I took that person out with a funny shot that curved, I got into close fire with another person. I remember saying behind my mask, "Oh crap!". The person was charging at me while I fell on the ground firing at that person. I actually ended up shooting this person. Judging from HIS voice after HE said "Thanks a lot, John", I figured that this person was a guy and that he also knew me. Another moment in which I remember was when we were all playing Protect the Hill. My team's mission was to charge up the hill and touch the flag at the top, whereas the enemies' mission was to stop us. When I flanked to the right, found cover, and looked around for the enemy, I got shot IN THE HEAD RIGHT BETWEEN MY EYES. I went back to "camp" where the people who weren't playing and said "What are the chances...?". Eventually, I ran out of ammo near the end of this event.
Oh and to note, the entire praise team found out that I could play guitar, and that they wanted me in their praise team. I pondered about that and came up with these reasons:
Yes: I can do something I enjoy doing; I'm praising God
No: it's dubious that everyone else even wants me there besides the praise team; I don't have much friends; I might screw up BADLY; I might disappoint the praise team; nobody can hear me (after hearing Gus play his part in his songs); I won't have as many parts and won't be as active as I should in the praise team; people might think of this as some cry for attention when it isn't
So I don't know... but I'm thinking about actually signing up for the praise team.
The youth group also had to make a skit based on the retreat's theme of conquest. Almost instantly, I thought of the fight I had. It was also a perfect fit because my own experience involves conquering myself, myfears, past, present, and future. The rolesdistributedwere me as the main character, Sang Jin as the "bad" friend, Zach as the "good" friend, Brian as the BYRD GANG leader, Peter and Gus as Brian's "henchmen", and Suah as Brian's mother and Ulrica as Peter and Gus's mother.
Scene 1
Zach shows me around school since I'm the new kid. After he shows me where to go to my next seminar, he tells me to "take care" and we part ways.
Scene 2
Brian, as the leader of the BYRD GANG, calls for his "henchmen" Peter and Gus. "Yo, where are they?"Peter and Gus run to Brian and bow before him. Brian smacks them on their heads and says"You're late". Gus apologizes and tells Brian that there was a new kid in school. I walk in the scene and walk past them. Brian says that I just walked trough their territory to Gusandthat heshould confront me. Gus stops me and asks me who I was. Then he says that this was their territory, but I respond by saying "How was I supposed to know? I was just minding my own business." After Gus says, "Oh, you think you're all tough now?" Brian pushes Gus aside and says, "Yo, you don't treat my boy like that." I respond by saying, "Why? I can talk with whoever I want." Brian gets agitated and pushes me, which results in me pushing him back. Brian sends Peter after me, but I push Peter aside. Then Gus throws me down on the floor from behind, and they all start kicking me. Then Brian says, "Yeah, that's right. You don't mess with... THE BYRD GANG." They all leavewith bird imitations. Since I got jumped, I get mad, but I sit down and think.
Scene 3
Zach finds me and asks what happens after seeing my imaginary bruises. I told him that I got jumped by three kids: one chubby one (Brian) and two skinny ones (Peter and Gus). Zach was worried that I might consider getting revenge to which I said I would. Zach advised against that and told me to just go to my next seminar (Gamespot won't let me use the word c.l.a.s.s. probably because of some bunch of idiots and their damned slang). After Zach walks off, I said "Ahh, forget him. I'm just gonna go to my other friend".
Scene 4
I meet with Sang Jin who is supposedly a good fighter as well as a corrupt person. I told him what happened and asked him to train me to which he agreed upon with no hesitation. While we pretended to fight, Ulrica comes up and narrates. She says that Sang Jin and I start training together and such. After she finished, I used Sang Jin's punch trick that made it sound as if I actually punched him. Sang Jin admits that I got a lot better and encourages me that I should fight those kids again.
Scene 5
Brian, Peter and Gus are gambling with 20 dollars, a piece of candy and 1 dollar respectively. I walk in on them with a very confident and angry posture. Peter gathers their things as Brian and Gus start to act tough. Brian says, "Oh, it's you again. You wanna get sent to the hospital?" while Gus says, "You wanna go for round TWO?".I respond with an angry "No, YOU'RE the one whose gonna be sent to the hospital" and threw a punch, knocking Brian down. Gus charges at me, but I knock him down with a punch and a roundhouse kick. Then I threw three punches at Brian, knocking him down. Peter looks down and slowly looks up at me with a frightened look. I feint an attack and said "What are YOU lookin' at?". Peter collapses on the floor. Brian says "This kid's too much. Run!" As they run away, I yell back "Yeah, you better run! HAHAHA!"
Scene 6
Ulrica narrates once again. She says that after the fight, I get addicted to fighting. As she finishes, I am practicing my punches and kicks. Then I turn around to find Zach right behind me. Zach says that he is disappointed in me and that I'm corrupting myself. I fight back by telling him that beating up kids feels really good. Zach tells me once again that I shouldn't do this and puts his hand on my shoulder. I become hostile. I push his hand off and punch him in the face. I continue to beat him while he is on the ground. Then I find and grab a nearby chair. As my strike almost hits him, the scene ends.
Scene 7
The whole thing was actually a mental rehearsal. I am back on that chair thinking. I stand up, shocked at what would happen ifI were toget my revenge. While I was shocked atwhat might have happened, Zach finds me. Happy to see my friend, I give Zach a hug. Zach gets shocked and asked me what happened. I told him that I got jumped by three kids, but that getting revenge on them isn't the right thing to do; there are many other larger and more important things in life to worry about than wanting revenge. Even though I want revenge, I should do the right thing and move on. Zach approves of what I saidand we start to walk off. Then I say "But what if they --", but Zach quickly tells me not to worry about it and that with his "love and care", everything would be okay. And yes, the youth group laughed at this. :lol: Brian and his gang find me again and decide to fight me again. But then Zach steps forward and tries to defend me. But Brian threw a punch at Zach and knocked him down. I quickly turn to Zach to protect him. Then Brian SLOWLY says "ATTACK. HIM." as he learned to do in rehearsal because of Suah and Ulrica's damned A.D.D. Suah and Ulrica shouts at them in Korean like all mothers do to their kids. Brian, Peter and Gus get scared and they quickly show their respect to their mothers. Suah and Ulrica get angry at their kids, they smack their kids' heads, and they drag their kids off by their ears. I help Zach get back on his feet and ask if he is alright. Zach tells me that he had been praying for me because he knew something bad would happen to me. Then I think that Zach says that he'll always be there. Then we give each other BFF hugs and the story ends.
Anyway, to summarize this all up, I moved on from the fight and I really like my new church. Having new friends and deepening my relationship with God, I'm actually looking forward to going back to church. I hope that I can start conversations with my new friends...
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