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blazingsaddle95 Blog

2010 Movies

I gotta tell ya, I'm really looking forward to 2010 in the world of movies. There's a lot of big things coming out this year, and I thought that I'd share them with you all.

I love Greek mythology, and who doesn't love an in your face action packed blockbuster every now and then?

I loved the first movie, and with Mickey Rourke as the villain, this one should be just as good.

Two words...Alfred Molina.

How can ignore a Shrek move? Plus, this one has Paul McCartney in it.


This really is a dream come true for me, and a lot of other people all over the world

Top 10 Albums #8


Some Girls- The Rolling Stones

Much like many other bands in the 70's, The Stones had to find someway to compete with the growing monster that was disco. The Stones decided to fight fire with fire and use some disco-esque music on their next album. That album was Some Girls. Now, I'm not a fan of disco, and it's not a disco album, butit does have someof thatflavor to it. The album primarily sticks to theblues tinged rock that The Stones are known for. Songs like "Some Girls" and "Just My Imagination" sound like the same ole' Stones. My favorite song on this album is the opening track "Miss You", which ironically,is the most disco sounding of all the songs. Do I think of it as disco? No. But it sounds more like it than any other song on the album. I think that out of allTheRolling Stones' masterpieces, Some Girls shines the brightest. Why? I actually don't know. I don't know why I love this album, I just do. But isn't that the case with everyone?

Top 10 Albums #9


Led Zeppelin IV

Led Zeppelin were already rock gods by the time their fourth album was released. And IV was their biggest sensation yet. From the hard rocking "Black Dog" to the funky "Misty Mountain Hop" and the soothing "Battle of Evermore", IV has something for everybody. But the big thing about IV was none other than the most played radio song in the United States... "Stairway to Heaven". "Stairway" is the song that immortalized the already immortal Zeppelin. I wasn't around in the early 70's, but I can guarantee that people heard it nonstop. It was even banned in guitar stores becuase that was all people would play when trying out new guitars. Like I said, IV is one of those that has something for everyone, and everything for me.

My Top 10 Favorite Albums #10

I think it's about time that I shared my favorite albums with the world...


Let it Be- The Beatles

It's amazing that even though The Beatles were practically already broken up, and they really weren't getting along during time in the studio, that they could still create a masterpiece like Let It Be. The Lennon/McCartney songwriting duo was done, so everyone was writing their own songs, and everybody wanted their songs to be the album. It takes a band as great as The Beatles to record such a great album, even though they weren't really The Beatles anymore. Let It Be was a bluesy getaway for The Fab Four. Their previous albums were experimental tinged rock and psychadelic sounding, so the band needed to resort back to what they started with. Songs like "Two of Us" and "One After 909" reflect the early days of The Beatles (for the record, "One After 909" was written by Lennon and McCartney in 1962, this album was relased in 1970.) But tracks like "Get Back" "Dig A Pony" and "The Long and Winding Road" still show the taste of Abbey Road (the album before Let It Be). Let It Be was a tragic end to The Beatles, but it left us with a truly great album.

Thoughts on Human Target and Jackie Earle Haley

What do you guys think of the new FOX show Human Target? Personally, I think it's pretty good, not the best show on TV, but it's pretty entertaining. It's your traditional super spy show wherethe spyhas a couple of dudes working behind him on the technical stuff, the spy alwaysends up winning the hot chick, he fights some people, and has boatloads of swagger. But what I really want to point out about Human Target is this guy...

look familiar? I'll give you a hint...

That's right, it's Rorschach from Watchmen! Man, Jackie Earle Haley has been in everything since he was in Watchmen. He's on Human Target and he's gonna play Freddie Kreuger in the Nightmare on Elm Street remake

What have I been missing?

I rented Modern Warfare 2 yesterday, and I asked myself, "what's wrong with me?" This is probably the most lifelike video game I've ever played. I've wanted to play it for a long time, but I just hadn't gotten around to it. And at first I wasn't willing to pay 60 bucks for it. but now I'd pay 100. Is it as good as Battlefield: Bad Company? I don't no about that just yet, but this an incredibly thrilling game and I can't believe I've been missing out on it.

Post your thoughts on Modern Warfare 2

Top 15 Best Movies of the 2000's

I know I already did a top 5, but I want to branch out and do a top 15. Here it goes...

15. Finding Neverland

14. Glory Road

13. Borat

12. The Simpsons Movie

11. Hellboy 2

10. The Incredibles

9. Batman Begins

8. Wallace & Gromit

7. Pineapple Express

6. Sherlock Holmes

5. The Dark Knight

4. Public Enemies

3. Lord of the Rings (yes all 3)

2. I'm Not There

1. O Brother Where Art Thou?

I hope you guys enjoyed the list!

Favorite Movie Characters #9


Nigel Tufnel from This Is Spinal Tap

I've watched a lot of rock documentaries, so as you can imagine, I always get a kick out of Spinal Tap. Now, I don't listen to metal at all, but I still find the innuendos in all of Spinal Tap's jokes. Out of the three main members of the "band", my favorite is guitarist Nigel Tufnel. He's the brainless centerpiece who's always smoking a cigarette. He delivers the biggest laughs in the movie. My personal favorite part is when he demonstrates one of his guitar solos. I won't go into detail because you need to see it for yourself. I don't have much time so I'll just end it here. Nigel always has it on 11, whether it's an amp or your laughter.

My Top 10 Favorite Movie Characters #10

As you can probably tell by now, I'm a huge movie buff. I love watching movies, reviewing movies, ripping crappy movies to shreds, it's all fun. But you can't have a great movie without great movie characters. So, this is the start of my top 10 favorite movie characters list.


Hopper from A Bug's Life

A Bug's Life is one of those movies that just vanished off the face of the Earth. It's that one Pixar movie that nobody remembers. Personally, I think that A Bug's Life is Pixar's best film, and one of the main reason's why is it's villain, Hopper. Hopper is brutal, mysterious, and pretty much the most badass bug ever. He rules over the colony of ants by using fear and psychological brutality. Another reason why I love this character is the way that Kevin Spacey voices him. He doesn't scream at the ants to make them afraid of him, he just uses his threatening voice, and intense appearence. You almost feel like he's actually an actor doing motion capture. The way that he talks and moves around is almost like a Gene Hackman character. Hopper's scary to be around, fun to watch, and the greatest animated movie villain of all time.