@m4a5: OK... Nothing to say about everything else, I assume we are clear on that...
On the theme at hand, I was clear I would not buy it, that already should tell you what I think about remasters... even remakes I have mixed feelings...
Probably I need to be more specific for you, but in a nutshell, if everyone was like me, remastered games would not be happening... why? Because its just a way to gain money with low effort. What I tried to tell you is that the main fault is in the gamers who buy that crap, but if you think not, fine by me...
"they just rema$tered TLOU2 when it's not even that old. What's your fanboy response to that?"
The response is simple, I have TLOU2, bought on day of release, and that's it... I´m not buying TLOU2 again (unless something happens to my game). But if other people buys it... well, ND is a company who needs to make money, and if people likes to give away their money... its their choice...
"But you keep having "fun" pretending nothing changed."
There is a difference between "something happened" and "something bad happened"... the end result is excellent, that is the thing that matters to me as a fan of their games.
"And you think U4 is the best?"
Yes... Besides the obvious technical evolution, from a narrative standpoint UC4 is the best in the serie. That being said I´ll repeat, if I have to choose one of the four games UC2 is the best for me. The fun I had with that game is incomparable.
"your fanboy "ND can do no wrong" stance"
Oh they could do wrong. Yet... they did not do it yet...
"keep pretending that they had an unproblematic/great story in TLOU2"
Oh, I´m not pretending... LOL... TLOU2 has a great story, but I´ll admit that many people were not able to understand it. Well, some of those people not even tried to... so... My advice for you is... see the video on this page, it will help to see the bigger picture.
Seeing their experiences, their thoughts and the pain behind the attacks they suffered... is heartbreaking.
I trusted them before game release, and that trust paid exceptionally well. TLOU2 is a great game and a better experience. But must of all, I´m proud to no be part of the morons who made judgement before time...
On a side note... to threat a newborn baby? How a piece of shit you have to be...
@texasgoldrush: "ME2 - the worst game in the trilogy that everybody thinks is the best."
In terms of fun? yes, undoubtedly. From a narrative standpoint ME1 is the best game of the trilogy. ME 3 is the not only the worst of the trilogy, it invalidates ME1 main storyline.
"Not to mention IT'S ENDING which fails to set up ME3 without DLC."
Because the glowing kid was not supposed to happen. At the time the main narrative would be focused in the dark energy plot...
@texasgoldrush: What was dumb is to trade the lead writer for a wanna be writer. What was dumb is to trade the dark energy plot (that's what ME1 in ME2 story leads to) for a giant dildo deus ex device that is stupid in every shape or form.
But the most stupid thing is to turn a hero into the main villain of the series.
ME2 is a waste of a game in story terms. Its like a side quest of the main game. Thats the biggest critic you can give to ME2. Its a fun game, it makes you feel like a real hero and adds a lot of people to the team.
Sure the human reaper is deeply stupid, but like I said, not as stupid as the main story of ME3. In fact, I never saw nothing as stupid as the main story of ME3...
"And no, ME3's ending isn't deus ex machina."
Are you sure? A weapon that no one knows what it is, if works, if the schematics are complete... and the best part... that needs to fit in an unknown device... think about this for a second but don't laugh, its not funny...
The only thing that sets Mass Effect 3 is the Omega Dlc... thats when all the narrative goes to hell... and the main story of ME1 goes to the garbage.
I thought it was stupid too... but then ME3 was released and the ME2 human reaper changed into high quality storytelling...
Have to admit that the deus ex dildo device and the glowing kid made the writing in previous games gold. Even the most stupid things are now beautiful memories in comparison...
@gamerbum: "TLOU & UC are two of the most overrated franchises ever!"
Tastes my friend, just tastes. To me TLOU is by far one of the best franchises of all time. Probably, your favourite franchise may be nothing to me... like I said, tastes...
blindbsnake's comments