@bdrtfm: "The only reason there would be a 3rd game is because: money."It will make money of people like the game... Just like this one... LOL... But...Didn't you guys said that almost everyone hates this game? Interesting...
@kuchiki-ness: "i bought it before I know it was trash"You got it, the story went over your head, and then you thought it was trash... See, better this way...
@kuchiki-ness: "let the ones who didn’t enjoy express themselves"Or even better... Let everyone express themselves... People who hate the game are unaccustomed to contraditory...
@nilsdoen: "i have more friends who hasnt finished the game yet than ones that have."All my friends finish the game... almost everyone love it... So... Funny comments...
@lilhurk1985187: Waw... Period... As if "I´m right"... So funny...Game is amazing... So amazing that you are in the comment section... LOL
@alvisj: "every single character is LGBTQ."This is stupid... Name every single character... I will help: Ellie, Dina, Lev... Your turn...
@bdrtfm: "the train wreck of a story is a guaranteed game of the year winner because journalists went full retarded"Please, tell us how smart you are...
blindbsnake's comments