I can´t agree with this review. Far from it. The game is a 7.5/10.
The worse part for me is not the pacing or the story choices.
Cavill is for me the worst part and the best part of the serie. His love for the world and the character is palpable but his acting...Something is off... He is not a great actor in my opinion.
I´m enjoying a lot, and that´s what matters for me. The fightings are a very enjoyable surprise, I was not expecting some of the brutality, and I love ithe no restrains...
Luckily the good parts are in higher numbers than the bad parts. Knowing me... I´ll be here until the end of the serie.
@tingtong: The worst thing in any gamer personality is to try to diminish the quality of game just because it is on other platform.
Hellblade is an awesome game, the main protagonist is beautiful in her own way (especially the actress), and the ambience of the game is one of the best I ever played. So it sucks to see it in a Xbox, especially because I know me and I will buy a PS5 in the future. My hopes are on a PC release.
@esqueejy: "but you do realize that your it is entirely irrational to posit that XBOx is winning"
Of course... Its my blind love to a specific game that made me do such comment. I thought that was obvious...
"I would say you should just buy an XBox this time around..."
I would love to... but I´m one of those persons who doesn't have the money to spend in more than one console. I have an acceptable pc and a PS (every generation), and that´s it.
"That game does look good though hehe"
The first is 10/10 for me... So you can imagine my pain to see it in an specific console... I just pray to see it in a pc someday as the first one...
@esqueejy: As a PS5 buyer (in time) and not both... It breaks my heart to see the sequel to one of the best games I ever played in the X Box (Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II).
That's why I said they are winning, and by far. Obviously, by norm, PS exclusives are way better (to my tastes).
All I care is about the games... Hellblade is a hell of a great addition to the Xbox, I just hope to see that game in the Pc one day... I will be waiting...
blindbsnake's comments