I swear, the either of these systems could have come with a 21 year old Carmen Electra (or Megan Fox, for all you young ones) strapped to the players lap, and the other side of the fanboy war would still find a way to complain about it...
At the end of the day, the large majority of the people talking crap aren't doing so because they hate apps, or really any of the features present. They are just the same breed of people that decide early on to pick a side as if it were some retarded gang war, and look for any reason, fabricated or otherwise, to talk trash on the other side. Guaranteed if these same features were on the system they chose, they would either be completely silent about it, or lauding it as a great advancement.
I'll tell you the last time I sat there and talked trash on another system for any reason other than to shut the other side up, and it was when I had a Sega Genesis, and I was in Middle School. See a theme? Fanboyism and flame wars are Middle School level behavior. I've owned every system since at one time or another, and have loved each one for its unique contributions to the industry. So when I see yet another round of the same crap that has been going on since I started loving games, I just sigh heavily, and shake my head as I hear the same stupid mentality waltz back into the limelight, only with "new" one-liners and insults to throw around. Each system was awesome from these companies in the past, and the new ones will be even better. If you can't get that through your head, maybe you all should get back to growing up. The rest of us already have.
@northArrow @A_Rabid_Dog Yep, another guy who latched on to just one single option that I laid out. You guys are aware that I also mentioned making friends with somoene who owns the other, unless your hatred of the other console-gang goes so deep that you can't even do that. And then there is of course the option of just growing the hell up and being able to let go of the need to talk trash on the other side. This is of course aimed at fanboys in general, not necessarily you, northArrow. I actually have no idea where you stand on the subject, or if you are even counted among the crappy fanboys who do nothing but talk down to people who made a different purchase than they did.
@northArrow @berserker66666 I could give a shit less about preferences. People coming on here and talking crap on anyone who likes the system they didn't buy has nothing to do with preferences. Was a great try to dismiss the whole thing though.
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