Console features really, like rest mode and resume play. Downloading while the console is asleep.
Gamingwise bigger worlds, better graphics. The only reason previous gens seemed like such a huge leap was because the hardware was so limiting that gameplay was effected. We are now at that point where it's not. Shooters are not going to change, they have pretty much perfected themselves from a control standpoint. Gameplay isn't all that with hardware in terms of control, look at the Original Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 3, gameplay went from clunky to smooth on the same hardware. Programmers find better way to code, better ways to handle controls. This isn't locked to newer hardware.
I don't know what most of you are expecting when you shout Innovation. Innovation is pretty much gimmicks like Motion Controls, Tablet Controllers. Voice Control, VR could be a game changer or a complete gimmick, but we have to wait and see.
Mainly this gen will see game evolution as better graphics, ability to make bigger worlds. We are hitting walls in terms of hardware actually changing gameplay. Hardware is powerful enough to handle pretty much anything now. Only graphics/worldsize will benefit.
PS3/360's innovation was actually impressive looking games that could benefit from being realistic, better physics and the improved hardware made more complex worlds. But gameplay was just micro improvements from the PS2 era.
Really it's going to be down to developers ideas now, how they tackle certain games. Mass Effect was probably the most impressive series last gen with all the choices, being able to import them into the next game (don't be an idiot and say ME3 didn't mean anything, the whole game was an ending where you seen your actions have effects on worlds like Chuchanka or however it's spelled) The final ending is more limiting, but realize to make 30 different endings would have taken 5+ years in itself to animate and program). But really that could have been achieved by the original Xbox or even PS2/GC. It's just that game programmers got creative.
Hardware has nothing to do with these things. Games are still fun, different franchises, different stories. Just realize pretty much from here on out games with a standard controller and KB+M aren't going to change too much from a gameplay perspective.
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