@Juub1990: Right, but by now you should have come to expect that it's BETHESDA, Bethesda never changes. All their releases are like this. If you don't like how it performs then don't buy it. I bring up timeless classics because I'm trying to point out that if the game is fun then a few fps dips aren't going to kill anyone. Sure who wouldn't like it to have the visuals of DA:I or W3, but Bethesda games pretty much look much worse compared to Bioware, CD Project and other WRPG studios who employ more competent artists. Bethesda's quality assurance room is probably a single computer with cobwebs on it and a monkey in front of it. Bethesda has had all these jokes around them for years, so it's kinda amazing how people still seem to have higher expectations from a company who never gave a reason for these expectations. If you like the game you just have to deal with everything else that comes along with it being a Bethesda game.
I purchased Fallout 4 well knowing it's probably going to be full of bugs, the animations are going to look off, and it looks alright, it's serviceable and the performance unstable. Just like Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV, Oblivion, Morrowind. Can't say about any before Morrowind as I never played them.
I guess to sum it up just color me shocked people haven't come to figure out Bethesda games are glitchy, poorly programmed, unstable games after so many releases. But, they are fun and that's why they sell.
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