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blooddemon666 Blog

I'm Back, and Important (to me) news

Funny thing with the final comment in my last Blog.

Just recently, a lot of new info has come out for the new edition of D&D. By July, all of the Core Rule Books will be out for the new system. I'm currently geeking out right now :P

Its being made primarily for the console tards that have come out of this generation by making everything more streamlined and easier. Also its going to have a heavy online/computer foundation. Which is both good and bad.

I just got my computer back up and running after: Cracking one motherboard, Shorting out another. :( I'm having the worst luck with computers in these past few weeks, but I got it back up and running well enough to get online. I had to get a new (and in all ways better) Wireless NIC, because that's what shorted out my second motherboard (currently on the 3rd)

Other than that, not much more news coming out on my end :| C|ass started today for summer semester, this is going to be a... fun semester, seeing as I have to take one course on a completely different campus

Random Blog post #345997

So Christmas was a sham for me, I only got one or two things I asked for T_T but that's not what christmas is about.

I got a new motherboard, Processor and RAM as a gift to myself for Christmas. With all that new stuff and I still have my 6600gt video card T_T sad I know :(

Another sad fact.... I accidentally formatted my external drive. so all of my funny pictures, music, other important ;) files, and a few documents are *poof* gone. I was able to get all my music back because I had my zune 8) which was my primary concern. I can find those funny pictures again, seeing as they're all reposted all the time.

So some CD's I've picked up/received recently:

Radiohead Kid A

In Flames Reroute to Remain

Dredg Catch Without Arms

Demetri Martin These Are Jokes

Hopefully, very, very soon, I will get an 8800GT video card (even though the board that I have doesn't have an N-Force chipset :o) and I will be playing Crysis in not full glory, but freaking awesome glory.

And as a side note.... more people should play Dungeons and Dragons

games, movies, music and office supplies OH MY!

So for my recent birthday i had gotten Call of Duty 4. I played through my first time on hardened. It was challenging, but enjoyable. The game was a lot of fun. My favorite mission was the assassination mission. That was the most dynamic, enthralling, and interesting segments I've ever played in an fps :D Overall its a great game. A whole lot of fun. But I do have one qualm with it. And for me, its a big one. I really don't like the addition of the dogs. First of all, its difficult as hell to survive an attack, and second... you're killing dogs. i know that they're trained attack dogs, but still. I'm a huge animal lover, I have 3 dogs and a cat of my own. its a little unnerving to kill dogs, even though they are in a videogame. Another thing is there's an Achievment in the 360 game for killing them :? its kinda bad IMO.

So Friday night, my friends and I all get together and head out to see I Am Legend. But when we got to the theater... they had sold out:( *shrugs* I didn't really want to see it anyway, seeing as I heard they bastardized the novel. It would make a good rental though.

Today, I drove around for about half the day, for one, to use a gift card I had received, and second, to return a CD that I had gotten as a gift, but already had :( So, after all was said and done I ended up picking up:


Pretty vast selection of music in one day 8)

And on friday, it was the last straw. Work has been hectic because I have to do about 10 things for each order, and depending on the order, it will take 1 hour at work so, I broke down and purchased a Fax Machine. so now i can split up my work from the office and home, so I can get more stuff done. But I found out, the phone jack in my room doesn't work, so I'm going to have to get a new one :( Oh well *shrugs*

All in all, its been a great weekend :D

Birthday, and moderations

So today is my birthday, my 20th to be exact. Yippie :roll:

I made a thread in OT, but it got deleted because apparently I can't post pictures of alcohol :roll: because it implies (emphasis on Implies) underage drinking :|

That's probably my silliest reason for being moderated to date. *shrugs* oh well.

Today I got Call of Duty 4 for my birthday 8) haven't played it yet because I've been busy, but I'll probably sit down and play it to see what all the hub-bub is about.

New CDs

So in my week long sequestor from posting here on gamespot, I practiced a bit on my bass and looked for some new "at least to me" bands to listen to. The other day, I bought 2 CD's, one by my favorite band, and the other from one of the bands that I liked and the music store had. all the other bands I guess were too obscure i guess

The first one that I got is:

Opeth's second live album "The Roundhouse Tapes" Its fantastic, much better than "lamentations" because it didn't have that annoying buzzing thing going on in the background. Also, on the album, they played some of their older stuff. Really fantastic. Awesome live band. 9/10

The Second Album i picked up is:

November's Doom's latest album "The Novella Reservoir" I learned of this band through mad clicking of links on Wikipedia. They're awesome! If you like Death metal you should give them a listen. A good mix of songs, heavy and soft. Almost all their songs have to do something with water, which is pretty cool. Many have references to drowning more specifically. Which one of the worst ways to die IMO. :? overall a good album, a tad on the heavy side, but great nonetheless. 8/10

And a list of other bands that I'm really looking forward to hearing more of are

In The Woods...
At the Gates
Swallow The Sun
Cynic (These guys are awesome!)
Paradise Lost
My Dying Bride
Colonel Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade
Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains
Amon Amarth
Strapping Young Lad
All That Remains
Dark Suns
Aeon Spoke

Annoyances in Videogames

I've become somewhat turned off to gaming as of late. sure there are some great games I've had the pleasure of playing, but most of them fall short of the hype. Maybe I have my standards set much too high. I guess i want a game that is "life v.2.1" But games have this tendancy to disappoint me. They say they have these "new and innovative gameplay mechanics" which aren't what they make them out to be, or they just aren't up to their potential.

Some game mechanics that really get my panties in a wad are:

-Simon says button mashing sequences - they were great in god of war and shenmue, but it seems as though any game must have them, its like a law or something.

-Classes in RPG's - Really, why have classes in RPG's. Developers are trying to stay with their tabletop fantasy roleplaying game mechanics. Why have a wizard, who is physically weak, but dishes out damage in much the same way as a warrior. Why not just play a warrior? With Tabletop RPG's, wizards were a viable option because they could do things that weren't combat related. But seeing as all games are just combat engines with pretty graphics attached to them, wizards and rougish characters are useless.

- To-Hit-Rolls - Another example of videogames paying homage to their Tabletop Gaming roots. To hit rolls are really only needed in games in which you use your imagination. With visual representation of my character, they become obsolete. The character's animation swings and lodges their sword right in the body of my adversary, but the words *MISS* appear over their head. Umm... what? :? my sword hit him. I know its supposed to be a mechanic that exemplifies growth in the character, at first you miss a lot, then you get better. But instead of missing a lot, why not open up more powerful and useful moves to me other than "swing sword, Swing sword again, Swing sword again"

- My only other qualm has to be in the graphics department. With the power of our systems now, we can render these huge environments, hundreds of characters on screen at once and do insane physics calculations... but my hair and cape is still antigravity and incorporeal apparently? I know its just a little nitpick thing, but developers should focus on the little things before moving on to the big, more complex things.

dynamic classes, assassin's creed, and weight loss

the title pretty much sums it up

I took the last class of my dynamic class today. dynamic classes are pretty much glorified cram sessions. I go for 3 weekends for about 5 hours on friday and saturday, then get 3 credits. not a bad deal I think :lol:

I picked up assassin's creed after reading a few reviews for it. wow is that a fun game. there's a lot to do :o saving pedestrians, finding perches to get a look around the map, and finding flags in each city. Again, it is a very enjoyable game. Huge sprawling cities, lots of pedestrians, lots of little things to do. my only qualm is the combat. once you get the counter attack move, that's all you find yourself doing in combat, because if you try to go on the offensive, you'll find yourself surrounded and probably murdered. The story is framed in such a way that makes it seem a lot cooler than it actually is. I'd give this game about an 8.5-9.0 just because of my little nitpicks.

Oh, and for the past two weeks I've been counting my calories and trying to eat healthier, I weighed myself and I lost 7 pounds :D yay me!

And your Prize is....

A brand new car :D

so I ended up getting the '07 Suzuki Reno. one of the big selling points is it still had 2 years on the manufacturer's warrenty.

Some pics of it :D

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I'd say that's a huge jump from this tank:

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I really love it. I've gotten pretty used to the clutch. but I still have a problem getting stopped on hills. I'll let out the clutch and I'll slowly start to roll backwards and I panic. I know I shouldn't... but I do. but Ill get the hang of it.

Possible New Car pt 2

So the deal with the TC kinda fell through, it was a little out of my price range. So my dad and I have been going online a lot narrowing down some choices. Today we went to about 7 dealers and looked around, found some pretty good deals.

My choices are between these:

The suzuki Reno. This is one of the two cars I test drove tonight. I really liked it. full leather package, automatic, low miles. but it was a pinch outside our price range :? Still a really nice ride.

Here's the Kia Spectra 5, now I'm really leaning toward this car. kinda high miles, stick shift. but it was a great price and really responsive.

We looked at the above 2 at a dealership and the salesperson was pushing us to buy it today, which we weren't going to do.

We looked at a nice PT cruiser that was blue and this was the exact interior:

Nice 8) The one we looked at had about average mileage, stick shift (same knob)

Now... a scion xA is what I'd really like. there were a few that just barely fell into our price range, but had high miles. I've liked the look of these cars ever since they first were released. a friend of mine has one, and its a nice ride. but again, a little over our price range.

and here's the chevy aveo. it falls in our price range in most cases... but I don't really care for the interior.

I'm probably going to get a new car within the next week, so keep an eye out for a new blog when I do 8)

Possible New Car D:

So I had come home from my Health CIass and one of my neighbors approached me. He told me that he was looking to sell his car and asked if i was interested. I've been interested in buying a new car ever since I got my current car. I own a Blue '97 Mercury Sable Station Wagon:

The car He's selling is a black '07 Scion tC:

as you can see, a big improvement. But with the improvement comes great cost. So I'm intensly debating it. I'm constantly forking out money to fix my car, my recent flat tire, my recent radator gasket and such >____>

I'm going to see if he'll let me drive it tomorrow. but therein lies another problem. Its a stick shift, but I've never driven a stick shift (IRL, I drive stick in racing games) so i don't want to go ganking his car's clutch :?

I guess I'll sleep on it, seeing as I have CIass at 9 in the morning tomorrow :o its a dynamic cIass, meaning i only take it for 3 weekends, and I'm done. which is pretty kick ass if you ask me :P