@MrOrbitz It's a game, it's allowed to be absurd. If I wanted a depiction of wholesome family values I'd be watching Leave it to Beaver, not playing MGS.
@nigelholden @follyconvention @JBStone1981 @ravenchildebc Don't you know? All women only care about their vaginas and being objectified. Obviously they need us men to protect them from depictions of sexy cartoon women.
The gaming industry does NOT have a moral responsibility. Who made him spokesman for the 'industry'? He is offended by sexy women? Fine, stick to games with people killing each other. No one likes a whiner, maybe he should speak out against R rated movies where women expose their breasts, because we as people 'should be better than that'. Yay for censorship.
If only nintendo could use some of the "innovation" they put into their hardware on their software, we might have something more than a plumber jumping on turtles.
There is never an excuse for censorship, free expression is nearly dead as it is, everything is required to be politically correct. Any of you folks have a problem with this, let me give you a suggestion....DON'T PLAY IT. Afraid your kid will see it? BE A PARENT.
Why can't it be that simple? If ya don't like something, don't look at it, play it, or otherwise associate with it. No one has the right NOT to be offended.
Sure, nintendo still has it's die hard fans that get excited about the ten thousandth mario and zelda game, and they're handhelds continue to do well, but....but that die hard first party fanbase isn't nearly what it used to be, and they failed to recapture the casual market they tapped with the Wii, nintendo I think will always be relevant with handhelds, but with home consoles, not so sure. Maybe if they branched out a bit, not everyone is into mario or zelda, and the one's that are, don't always stay fans forever (I used to enjoy them when I was younger). I think Nintendo has become arrogant and complacent, they have the attitude: "We're Nintendo, we can do what we want, we're untouchable"...that may have been true a decade ago, but I dunno about now.
bluefox755's comments