"The industry should be better than this"...? What a tool. Gaming isn't some medium for moral authority, nor should it be, this @$$hole should worry about his own business. If you don't like sexy women...DON'T BUY IT. Jesus christ I hate people trying to force their own biases and morals onto other people, this guy can go back to never satisfying a woman and shut his pie hole.
What a lot of xbots don't understand is, many folks don't have a problem with the XB1 itself, it's just a piece of hardware, they take issue with Microsoft's arrogant "We know whats best for you, whether you like it or not" attitude they've adopted.
@Swan_Ronson8475 @MAGIC-KINECT @aci808 It sounds cool, but so did 3d televisions. I just can't see a headset catching on and becoming mainstream, as cool as it may sound.
@Hop103 @Blank2k2 The console may be close to the power of the PS4, but the company sucks, I'm not buying it because I have a problem with the console, but because I have a problem with microsoft.
bluefox755's comments