@Zloth2 @Zoltan720 What's wrong with that? Who doesn't want more money? The difference is when corporations are greedy, they create jobs, products, and services, when your average joe is greedy he buys things for himself. Greed and good customer service don't have to be mutually exclusive.
@Xilonix I'm not ognna buy it, but I won't shut up either, the whole point of the comments section is to voice your opinions, you're welcome to no ready it :)
@michalmis Computers and consoles can't be compared accurately...can you run BF3 on a 7 year old pc with hardware similar to 360....no, it's not fair to compare them.
@rgrambo It was probably underclocked in the beginning cause they didin't wanna risk overheating this time around, then they saw Sony being more powerful and they had to compete...can't blame them I suppose.
bluefox755's comments