@qewretrytuyiuoi @blast880 That's kind of a dumb argument, we're the only species that frowns upon homosexuality? We're also the only species with intelligence.
Women put more stock in other things when gauging male attraction, not necessarily the amount of clothes they're wearing, guys like boobs, women like tall, dark, mysterious, gallant, etc. To say they aren't sexualized because one is wearing more than another is a baseless statement. Are women deeper creatures than men? Sure. It's not fair to compare them apples to apples.
It was justified, because they didn't just promote those policies, they forced them. They took "choice" out of the equation, if DRM and all digital is the future, fine, it will inevitable become more popular the the consumers will WANT THEM. When consumers want something, you don't have to FORCE it on them. This simple idea seems to escape so very many.
@lelieth @bluefox755 Because they still want it, they were trying to take choice out of the equation and force it on the consumers, they retracted because it was unpopular.
Microsoft has a vision for the future of gaming, one they tried to achieve with the DRM and internet debacle. I don't want to be a part of that vision, so I'm buying PS4.
I think gamespot reviewers feel a certain obligation to point out potentially sexist things in games, not the first time a game was docked because 'certain reviewers' were feminist activists. Maybe you guys should focus on objectively reviewing games instead of injecting your own political beliefs into it. You don't like boobs? Write a blog, doesn't belong in a game review.
bluefox755's comments