@evil_snuggles Who said anything about republicans? Sounded like he painted obama as a failure, and seeing his approval rating lately, he's not alone :P
Auction house ruined the game for me, the linearity of the levels and the skill system didn't help either...they could fix it I suppose, but it would take a hell of an overhaul...Make it more like Path of Exile, which is closer to D2.
Danny is 100% spot on, I've never been a fanboy, always bought from all the companies, but now have a certain disdain for Microsoft. Why? Probably for the same reason I don't like politicians, they thought they knew better about what the folks they claim to represent actually WANT than the folks themselves. I get they are now trying to win people like me back, but it'll be a while, I'm buying Sony exclusively as of now, maybe Nintendo sometime down the road if they find their way out of their own identity crisis.
bluefox755's comments