@blast880 @qewretrytuyiuoi well it certainly goes against the ingrained urge to preserve one's species, homosexuality has been observed in other species, but never in a very higher percentage, if it was, the species would likely die off. Generally animals live for 2 things, to survive and procreate.
@blast880 @Synthia @bluefox755 we are the only intelligent speciies, lol. This is well documented. Some animals can be trained to do cool things, but we are the only species to continually use and advance technology.
@qewretrytuyiuoi @bluefox755 sometimes us, usually not, most species that ever existed since the beginning of time are now extinct, this has been happening long before humans.
@qewretrytuyiuoi @bluefox755 We're also the only species that create art, document history, preserve and rescue other endangered species...but yeah, we're the same as bees.
bluefox755's comments