@jako998: I'm OK with the way things are, so is everyone else I know (internet trolls notwithstanding). Games that have an occasional frame dips that often get patched away aren't the end of the world like these sensationalist articles would have you believe.
@fastharrydotcom: They run at 30fps the vast majority of the time, most people don't care about the occasional fps dip, acting like it's 24ps all the time is incredibly misleading.
@ptsdgamer1: Or...ya know, people can just play what they enjoy? And not worry about what random internet people like you think they should or shouldn't do?
@ptsdgamer1: I hear a lot of negativity from internet comment sections, but everyone I know that's bought it says it's a blast. I haven't played it myself, so can't really say from personal experience.
@solokingrobert: ...to get 60fps. If any of X1's titles with inferior resolution were getting 60fps in lieu of 1080p, I don't think anyone would be complaining. The single player IS 1080p, but they wisely opted for 60fps in multiplayer.
bluefox755's comments