@PAL360: No one is "upset". Pointing out a gross exaggeration isn't "being upset". Sure, it did dominate in the beginning, as it wisely took advantage of all of Sony's screw ups, much like PS4 is doing this gen. Though, I have to disagree with you about the "bigger library than 360 has" that's way off, lol. PS3 got nearly every game 360 got, the difference being, PS3 got a lot of Japanese games that 360 did not. If 360 was bigger, it was because it was out for a year longer. As far as the "better looking" games, that was true in the beginning, as ps3 was notoriously hard to develop for, but in the end, PS3 was arguably better looking, this is most evident in the PS3 1st party titles like Uncharted 2 and 3, God of War, etc. Tell me one Xbox 360 game that even came close to God of War 3 or The Last of Us, graphically :) As far as the controller goes, you got me there, that's entirely subjective.
The sole deciding factor behind my 360 purchase was the price, especially compared to the ps3's ridiculous starting price. While I thoroughly enjoyed my 360, and no problems with it like many others. I ended up getting a PS3 later in the gen and kinda wished I'd gotten it from the beginning. Mainly due to its wider variety of exclusives.
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