If you've broken a controller simply out of rage, you've got problems. The way I see it, even if you're that pissed off, at least vent in a way that you won't regret. When you deliberately smash a controller, that's like lighting a 50 dollar bill on fire.
There is some serious evidence suggesting that the 360 will get a price cut. A recent Wal-Mart ad showcases the Elite at $299, and there were some other articles I saw today that further fuel this fire. Whether or not it does probably won't make much of a difference. At the same price level as the 360 and an attractive new design that garnered a lot of attention this week, the PS3 will probably begin to gain a lot of thunder. Microsoft dropping the price to the same level will not have a huge impact IMO. And why all the hate for Pachter? He doesn't seem like a douche or anything, just a guy who makes some good predictions and some bad ones. What's wrong with that?
Crisis Core was a great game. There are only 2 games I can recall that have made me shed a tear: Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid 3. However at the end of Crisis Core it was really hard not to. My eyes were definitely getting a bit watery haha.
It doesn't matter if Son comes out with a new slimmer model. It's cheaper, smaller, more appealing. It will help them make more profit. How is that bad to any of us who already own PS3's? The one way in which I think your claim has some truth is through the recent fw updates Sony has been giving us. Just look at 3.0. Complete POS for a 'major' update. In that way, and in how Sony has been holding off on giving us b/c via fw update because the PS2 is still selling (face it, that's the #1 reason they won't give it to us), I feel they have been giving us a bit of the finger lately.
Wow talk about an onslaught of demos on Live in the past few days. I thought this game was really fun. I forgot about it completely until today. It seems to be having very low profile coverage. It feels a lot like Halo, which in my opinion is a good thing, because I love Halo. It's different enough, of course, to be its own game. I am suddenly very excited for this game and can't wait to see how it turns out.
Probably just ODST. October is the big month for me. I'd consider picking up Ultimate Alliance 2 when it gets cheaper, the first one was fun. I would be looking into Need for Speed shift and Dirt 2, but Forza 3 comes out in October, along with Gran Turismo PSP, and gran Turismo 5 might actually come out this year, so I'm already set for racing games.
I was very surprised by all the praise this game was getting. The demo must not do it justice because I didn't think the demo was that good. I might have to pick this up eventually. Right now I need to save for ODST though. I'll be getting much more playtime out of that than out of Arkham Asylum, that's for sure.
They all work fine. I have a generic 6 foot cable that I bought on Amazon for 3 dollars including shipping. Works just like any other HDMI cable. Don't waste your money on a specific brand of cable. they all work exactly the same.
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