people are so stupid how is this offensive!!?????? ok lets stop making zombie movies and toys hell lets just cancel The Walking Dead and Die Hard and harry Potter or Star Wars because there is violence and fighting..
simply put the game is OK not bad not great, people just take things to the extreme if a great game has a flaw its the worse game ever if a game has a great segment then its an awesome game.... gamers need to start looking at the whole picture Sound, Camera, Story, Pacing, Gameplay, Controls, Difficulty, Graphics, Art Work, Animations and much more as a true gamer you live by these things
@Arda_Daghan212 @Metallicwolf29 @NTM23 Arda your a joke and NTM your just probably retarded GOW3 was by far the greatest GOW game ever im talking overall i mean come on just look at the epic character models and boss fights now the only thing that GOW3 fell short was in story pacing GOW2 is by far the best on that but overall GOW3 is the best
wii U was a big disappointment its definitely NOT worth $300 its more like a $199 type of thing...oh and by the way to all of you saying ohh the graphics are amazing lol you obviously havent played on it yet cause my 360 and Ps3 look exactly the same washed out OLD tech... sad day for Nintendo when NEXT GEN ACTUALLY does come out...
@BestJinjo @abHS4L88 let me make something really clear YES the Wii U look sbetter than the Xbox and Ps3 when they first came out I was clearly not talking about that... but COD BO2 which I had the opportunity to see on the Wii U and tons of other games that I actually got to play like Rayman you can clearly see that its the very same as my Ps3 and Xbox 360 right now... Yes in a few years wiiu will look better than Ps3 and Xbox but then again it wont even be comparable to PS4 or Xbox Next even giving them the same excuse of being in early development... Dont hate on me go out for yourself and search if they have a Wii U play station in your city so you can compare for yourself...also like I said COD BO2 look BARELY better on wii U definitely not even close to PC standards and again barely above ps3 and 360.
people go play it... its not that great the controller feels amazing but its basically on par with Ps3 and Xbox definitely not way better like they stated even graphically its almost non recognizably better.
boricuasnake04's comments