not impressed at all the VFX tech demo from 2011 was ten times more realistic... and if the whole :joakim" rumor is true then that blows this out of the water as well
@VENOM6979 ar eyou saying ps4 not a huge graphic step up? cause obviously it is look at the specs are you kidding me and look at the games like Watch Dogs and or the Phanta Rei engine Deep down the ps3 its basically like a high end PC as of right now even Jon Carmack who is an amazing engineer creator of Doom who has completely bashed SONY before said that he was really impressed with the specs. the VITA specs meh not so much but not bad the most powerful portable device thats for sure have you seen the new killzone on VITA? but back to price we would be asking for SONY to just give away the system if they release it for $550 plus a VITA I think it should be PS4 $399-499 and VITA $199-249 thats more than fair individually but packaged together of course thats way better financially for SONY so thats why i said $499-599...$699 i think would be pushing it unless they added a third SKU with Killzone 4 and a vita memory card plus an extra controller PS4 controller in that case im in for sure lol
@VENOM6979 @boricuasnake04 i think your asking way too much $500 for the amazing specs they announced would be a miracle... The reality i think they will announce the system for $499-$599 without any extras
its all about exclusives if the Xbox doesnt announce exclusives it will not win the console race everyone knows that GAMERS are all about the GAMES... everything else is just icing on that delicious cake... Halo and Gears of War which is getting soooooooo OLD arent going to be enough PS4 will most likely have God of War, Metal Gear Solid, The Last of Us, Uncharted, Diablo!??(not sure if its exclusive yet but he did mention blizzard and SONY are taking over the The NEXT Quantum Dreams game and supposedly lots much
i will be getting both consoles its just a matter of which one to get first... I do have to admit that Xbox sounds pretty scared major Nelson was making 2nd grade jokes about SONY
@cameronrobinson @MAD_AI but most people wont be able to play the game at MAX settings Medium to High would better help us determine whether to purchase on console or PC. If you have a PC that can handle it at MAX settings than obviously always go PC, isnt this a better way to go about it?
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