@grey_fox1984 @Desmondo123 Not at all for instance I find myself going back and playing FF12 ALL THE TIME as well as Xenogears and FF8 of course the graphics for those games suck but the reality is that you still enjoy them even more than you do a game like Crysis 1 because the story and gameplay of that game were absolute trash...
Crysis 1 and 3 sucked balls so no grapics are more like 40% if that storyline and gameplay comprise at a minimal level 60% of an enjoyable game.... Crytek thats why your games will always suck you guys are just as bad as EA never learning from the REAL gaming Experts the GAMERS!
@Blackarrow1020 you do know you can make lots of friends on the PSN right?? out of my full list of PSN friends maybe 10 are real people I know and the rest I met playing online same on my Live account
@mastakush89 your an idiot in you cant understand what he is saying let me Elementary it up for you.... there are more people in the game so the game is changing also people are playing it differently so some people who have played the game for a long time and are really good at it arent getting the credit anymore and are having to stop playing the game... understand now???
Man Test Drive Unlimited 1 and 2 were awesome I loved them both so much... this just goes to show that making great games is not even half of the developer battle its all politics...
Ryse looks so crappy LOL its on wheels and I can just see hundreds of people kicking the TV or even worse kicking the crap out of there daughter cause they didnt notice she was watching LOL
Im pretty sure the NextBox is gonna have some awesome new features probably like video chat while playing games or something like that maybe even oculus rift like product
the 720 rumors are horrible i really hope that none of it is true, especially this crappy tv and always on crap who cares I already have Direct TV and I doubt the xbox tv service is gonna even compare to it and always on sucks just cause I would be PISSED if my internet gets interrupted and i loose all my Dark Souls data or something like that...
boricuasnake04's comments