@milannoir im not sure how I fell about taking out level scaling, it tends to get very easy if there isnt any, I want to be challenged everywhere not just at the end of game.
more than double damn so X1 your gonna have to wait for everyone to get the PS4 then when Titanfall or Halo comes out then maybe we will buy your DVR i mean gaming system.
i dont understand how this is the best game ever WTH... its ok but OK at BEST. BF4 and COD Ghost look ten times better so far, we wont know until it comes out but im not impressed to me it looks like a weird mixture of MAG, COD and Unreal how about pick one and perfect it.
man this is disappointing it looks like the same exact game as always gameplay wise i do like the new graphics but come on im soooo tired of the same ol same ol... then again its always the same the game looks super crappy before coming out then when you play it it just feels great we will see.
I have to say I am now officially sold on the XBOX1 I will definitely be purchasing one in 2014 lol PS4 is definitely a day 1 but has anyone noticed how MASSIVE the X1 is holy crap my DVR has some competition now.
boricuasnake04's comments