wow what DI*K DEAL WITH IT!!?? FU lets see how many people buy your piece of sh*t machine when you announce that it is mandatory to use it with an internet connection I would be surprised if thats the truth
How is this idiot with ATARI even relevant... what was the last good game they made Pong??? the guy is obviously not really being fair when every single other developer has clearly stated that unlike the PS3 it is super easy to develope for the ps4 because of the PC architecture....
@ @mario1028 Dude really dont be naive it has nothing to do with how long a console has been out for... its all about support from the developer community for instance the PS4 hasnt even come out yet but it already has more great games than the WiiU.... simply put it sucks developers know it and arent making games for it. Ipad has some cheap games but not all are cheap I have spent upwards of $16 a couple of times for Ipad games including Chaos Rings and Final Fanatsy. The WiiU is basically a portable console and in that case the VITA kills the WiiU especially if they ever get around to making the Remote Play actually work
Wii U is just horrible to be honest I have ten times more games and more fun on my Ipad.... for now my PS3 gets the most use out of all my consoles cant wait to see the NEXTbox and im already sold on the ps4 especially after seeing Killzone and Battlefield 4 im definitely in
boricuasnake04's comments