boss130's forum posts
I have two that I can recollect that were pretty insane. The first one was when I was at my buddies house and his younger brother was playing the original STARFOX. He was stuck on some level and I took over. I started at the beginning and over the course of the next couple of hours I slaughtered that game. My buddy was acting as my wing man and together I beat the game with only losing one guy. The kid bro was so stoked I was his hero for the next couple of days. We look back on that with a laugh....good times!
On a more recent note...last year I was playing Battlefield Modern Combat (which was my favorite online game) and I had the most incredible game EVER! We were playing Backstab and I was playing as a terrorist. I instantly grabbed a jeap and took flag three and went the backside of flag 4 and mined the road for the upcoming tanks. They came and I blew both of them up. I took the tunnel to flag 6 and took that (mined it as well). Then I took the jeep and snuck around the American Base and grabbed an Abrahams. I then took the tank all the way back into town (with no problems) and camped out between flag three and the health station. I sat there and drilled the building at flag four for the rest of the game killing guys at a ridicilous rate. The whole time I was blasting them my mines that I layed were destroying enemies all over. I ended up killing 42 people without dying once. I played BF2 for more than 1000 games and NEVER had a game like that (Although I owned that game online). The whole time all you saw on the scoreboard were VAPATRIOT kills....I was talking so much trash on that level that my voice caved in on me. For the next hour I had people taking about that game like i was some kind of BF master (WHICH i WAS)!
That gets me thinking.....WE NEED ANOTHER BF soon for the PS3
I couldnt agree with you more. DD for the PS1 was one of my favorite titles ever made. In fact, I have purchaced nearly every derby type game since this one (including the sequel) and none have come even close to the fun that DD brought to the table. Test Drive Eve of Destruction was TERRIBLE and sold on E-bay a week after I purchaced it. The flatout games have their moments but in my opinion the replay value is extremely limited. I will not be getting anymore of those. Nothing beats the bowls in DD! I even loved the racing part of the game since it was also geared towards total destruction of your rivals. I can remember many a game where the ramps would cross and I would camp out and wait for your opponents to come by just to barely back into them making a HUGE multi car crash. There were many a games where I destroyed everyone but had to do the entire race bobbing and weaving burning cars on one wheel! LOL!
You got me excited about this! I think I may have to break out some old school!
LMAO.....I know as a Knicks fan you have to be hating it but who AM I TO JOKE? I like the Celtics! Here is to the #1 pick in the draft (2 would be fine too)!
And I thought my PS3 rant was good! Knicknut for PRESIDENT! I am glad that I am not the only one who is sick and tired of all the haters out there. Your make a consence and valid point...and as a teacher I can also appreciate your ability to show both sides of the story. I certaintly hope that this post does not get locked because you make a great case. The problem is that many people are so immature that the only way they can make sense of their purchace of "another system" is to dog the competitors. You did not do that at all!
Some quick advice to you (as someone who has already ranted like this)....dont sweat the small stuff. Unfortunatly this board is filled with 12 year olds who's can only make themselves feel better by dissing other people. You are right on 100% (except for the whole Knicks
You said, "I put my money where my mouth was and bought a PS3 around Christmas because I have faith Sony".
This is exactly the way I feel! I own PS1...2 AND 3 and they have never let me down! Why settle for a Hyundai when you can have a Mercedes?
I am pretty positive that once you take a name then noone else can take it. That was the same with the PS2 so I am not sure where you got your info.
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