bostonfan05's forum posts
I don't know if you need to do this for vegas but for older games you can run games with the XP OS. I think you select the games properties and then go to compatability and change it to XP. I have Vista and did this for WC3 and it works fine. The only thing is that whenver you play it you have to right click the icon and click " run as administrator".
I put my laptop to sleep several times a day and about half of the time I get this message. I scan for sollution and I get (not always, sometimes nothing happens) a long error message which indicates that a USB device has endagered my computer and therefore it went to blue screen and shutdown. I have installed new headphones and a printer and both run through USB. I am thinking the headphones are the issue because I have heard of problems with them (TekNmotion Pulsar SX headphones). So any drivers to be installed or anything I can do to fix the problem that you guys know of? Thanks.
I have an XPS m1530 and can play all my games without the disk...I heard you needed to install some software to do this but I havn't done anything (at least on purpose). I can even play WC3 without the disk which especially surprised me because it is an older game (this probably has nothing to do with it but still...) I also can play all the Orange Box games and CoH. Is this normal? And if it is it seems a bit weird seeing how if I really wanted I could sell my games and still be able to play them.
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