bowling-name's forum posts
i love old school castlevania and the new one for the PSP just dosent interest me xP Link_fan_316Dracula X is a re-release of Rondo of Blood (along, I believe, with Symphony of the Night!). 1993 is still pretty "old school" as far as Castlevania goes...
If you don't see it, than you can try selecting your base from the list, clicking on "configure" (you will be prompted for your base station password). Next, click on the password icon at the top of the window. A window will open revealing your network equivalent password. Don't see anything?:
I'm assuming you are using an Airport wireless router. If you are not, then you may need to set your password to a hexadecimal string, preceded by a dollar sign, for example: $123456789a. Make sure Airport is on. Select "Create Network" from the Airport status menu. Click "Show Options." Select "Enable Encryption (using WEP)." The password you create is your WEP key. Let me know if you have questions...
Sorry to monopolize this thread, but I just wanted to point out there is an English version of Panel De Pon that was released with the GBA cart Dr. Mario and Puzzle LeagueWell, actually it's called "Panel De Pon" in Japan. But it's basically Tetris Attack. It will have Wi-Fi, and a Japanese 4/26 release. Anyway, here's the news from IGN: Link:
Nintendo better localize this to the U.S., or else I will sell my DS and buy more PSP games (just kidding, but I'll be ticked for sure).
On the other hand, Tetris DS from what I understand, is still largely based on the familiar original version of Tetris (although there are some changes like that you can keep a piece rotating constantly even after it lands).
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