@LiquidGold @bradocki Whatever, I tought I was discussing with a reasonable human being wich you surely is not, they didn't even made official Gaikai is not going to be there, they just said it will take longer, and you are all desperate assuming things that are only inside your head. You sir are an Xbot, grow up!!!!! End of ammo for you.
@LiquidGold @bradocki Now you are just being selfish, if you have fast internet it doesn't mean everybody has it, I'm pretty sure Sony will put the service up for developed countries in EU, as I am sure they cannot promise it will work with underdeveloped places in EU. It takes a lot of investment to make Gaikai happen, so give it a time, at least you are closer of Gaikai then we are here in my country (Brazil), and even because of that it won't stop me of buying a PS4, I understand that the service is limited to developed countries and I know it's not Sony's fault my country is not one of them...
Wow how many stupid fanboys comments here. Worldwide broadband internet is still very low, so it is a mistake of anybody to develop or promise something around that, services like Gaikai will only work in very developed places, and Sony itself cannot lay broadband fast internet globally. You might have very fast internet and a place nearby don't. Like Microsoft's live tv aproach will only appeal to US customers, many countries don't give a crap about NFL. So if they say it is something beyond what they can provide I'm sure they are saying the truth. Sony cannot fix internet worldwide so don't expect them to do it!!!!
LOL Sony I think learned their lesson with the PS3 starting at 500 bucks at launch, and Microsoft should have learned from sony mistake, but they didn't, techwise there's no reason for their new box to cost 100 more, almost the same engine under the hood as sony, so they should find a better excuse for their profit greed, little mess ups like this can cost them more at the end. And europeans do pay more for their rigs, but here in brazil we don't know the PS4 price yet but the ONE will be around 1062.37 US dollars tnx to our corrupt government. What about that?
bradocki's comments