I can bet on that, because of this very same move from M$ xbox one will be the first console to get hacked, they can't stop piracy no matter how hard they try, there's always a way...
In my country it will tank allright broadband is very limited by region, I pay more for a shitty 600kb than anybody else in the world I guess, so no xboxone for me, and even if I had decent broadband I would not buy a product that requires me to pay for internet acces to enjoy it, it may not seem wrong for you but maybe you will understand someday...
Time to sony to capitalize on this big screwup by M$ and make things right, listen to your customers, there are tsunamis of angry ppl all over the net because of this, like I said, if they follow, PS4 will just tank like the xboxone...
Why the hell would they release a PS3 game on the PS4? I would feel cheated since it was going to be just a port of the game on a new machine that the game was not developed for....zzz.....zzzzz.......zzzz
I'm sorry Sir but that's the world you live in, broadband is still very expensive in some countries and if you going to sell it worldwide better light up about that, and before any smart ass comments, I probably pay more for my 500kb speed a month than you do :(
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