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brandon1028 Blog

Dead Rising: Case Zero

I recently purchased the new Dead Rising game and it was great. It takes place shortly befor the events of Dead Rising 2 where Chuck Greene is searching for Zombrex for his daughter in Still Creek. Along the way you meet a few survivors who need your help to escape the area. You can go through the game without rescuing any of them and just build the escape motorcycle. Another interesting new feature is the combo weapons that do double the damage and give you double the points. My only complaint is the time limit that still haunts you throughout the game but I do understand that the limit is what makes this game unique. Despite any minor complaints, this download is well put together and gives you the authentic feeling of a hardcore zombie killing game.

3D in Video Games

With both Sony and Nintendo both reaching new levels of innovation, the question is whether or not these new advances will be worth the money. In my opinion Nintendo has a very good plan by eliminating the use of glasses, however, I am still skeptical as to wether or not it will work the way it is being advertised. But these concernes should not be necessary because everyone who has tried 3DS was very impressed. With Sony's new 3D televisions, I can watch a great HD picture in 3D but I don't know if I want to watch TV for hours with 3D glasses on. Another concern is the price. Is it really worth the money for a $2000 television and about $200 dollars for each pair of glasses. It may be a better idea to stick with my 2D HD television. I will however give the 3DS a try.

Minerva's Den Complete

I just finished Bioshock 2 Minerva's Den dlc and I could not believe the ending. The twist at the end was unbelievable and it is something I will remember for a long time. Aside from the story, the gameplay is as impressive as the original single player and the new weapon and plasmid (laser beam and gravity well). I had a great time fighting the new big daddy called the Lancer who also uses the new laser. There are also two new security bots( lightning bot and laser bot) along with a new brute splicer who has fire on his hands and feet to do extra damage. Overall, the new download is very impressive and perhaps one of the best and most detailed non disc games in a long time. 10/10

Minervas Den

I just bought Minervas Den DLC for Bioshock 2 and I am very impressed. The new laser is the only weapon I use now and although I havent finished it yet, I look forward to the ending.

Sly Cooper Collection

There is a short wait left until the Sly Cooper Collection. The release date is scheduled to be 11/30/10 for Playstation Move. I would have preferred it to be played with less equipment since I don't have alot of money right now, but if $100 is what it takes to be able to play it, I'll find a way to get. Hopefully each game on the disc will be just as enjoyable as they were on individual discs. I am definitely looking forward to it.

PS1 Classics on PS3

The Playstation marketplace has finally added crash team racing to the list. All that still needs to be added is Crash Bash and my collection from my childhood will be complete.