Im sure you are all aware of the recent interview with Dice posted on YouTube,here is a comment that got me red of face..
"DICE Executive Producer Patrick Bach thinks this might be the case, though he also admitted that whatever they did, there's bound to be a group of people who'll always complain."
Yes you fat wanker its the people that you are ripping off! that are complaining. Dice/EA rip us on the premium then they give us scraps as DLC like silly cammo for one gun in each class? wow that's worth the extra along with some re hashed maps that all look like they are from the first game but with a different layout. even the textures all gfx all props are the same making the new maps look like the old ones but a little different in size and layoit.
I am sick of Doce taking my cash telling me they will spend it wise only to then be told if i complain they basically think im a captains logg. WTF dice you used to be brill,now your hooked with effing EA you turned turncoat and turned to poo.
LOL BF4 LOL LOL LOL not a chance I'm buying into your milking machine this time and I love BF but no chance are you getting my cash again,just sell your shlt to ubisoft and fek off.
I have no interest in any of your moronic responses so will not be looking at this thread ads its a fact you will be moronic some of you with no brainz that is. I just wanted to vent towards Dice who i feel have let me down after so many good years.. EA its in the Name.
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