@bicepsul: My dear friend, when I say it plays or look better on a PC I'm including FPS spikes. No need to get your panties in a bunch.
So, you are trying to prove a point by testing some games you own or selected on a console and on a PC, which I don't know the specs and I don't care?
Do I need to adress how wrong your statement is? Do you understand you are making a giant generalization based on some games you think perform better on a console than on every PC? Do you understand there are also good PC ports that blow consoles out of the water and you aren't adding them to the equation? Do you know PC has hundreds of games that play at steady 60 fps and some you can even up it to 120 fps depending on your hardware? I think you don't understand how different hardware affects FPS drops.
And if you want to nitpick games, Dark Souls 1 gets down to 10 fps in BlightTown on consoles, Skyrim is nearly unplayable on a PS3. Look! I've proven console games are crap! (irony)
@bicepsul: Do you think games like Metro or Dark Souls 1 play better on a console than on a PC? lol
When ppl complain about bad ports it is because the software is not using the full power of their hardware, that doesn't mean it's gonna look better on a console than in every PC. Sure, if you have similar hardware it will indeed look worse. But that is a cheap low end PC.
Funny thing is, some new games like Fallout 4 are looking better on a PC with similar hardware than on a console.
And the list goes on? Pls go on then. I'd like you to prove there are more games that look better on a console than on a PC. I can't find them.
Sorry but the problem of console gamers is that you guys don't have a clue of what you are talking about.
@frank_castle: You forgot the fact these scientists agreed to travel into space for some years IIRC without knowing what the job was. Fantastic script.
@lnception: The only game I'm buying at launch after a long time is going to be Dark Souls 3 because I'm a hardcore fan. I still haven't got MGS V and I only didn't get The Witcher 3 this holliday because I already got too many games to play. It was selling for less than half it's original price.
I don't mind waiting 6 months or a year to get a single player game at half price or with DLC included. It's not going to make any difference and I don't feel ripped off.
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