"Your role as the leader of the Inquisition is to crack the proverbial whip on the warring factions of the world in order to unite against a common enemy, and to do that, you need to do your inquiring across a great many parts of the world."
This "run around gathering allies against a bigger threat" sounds exactly like DA: Origins. But hey, anything is better than DA 2.
You did well Danny. I remember playing the original Dota non-stop in 2008 and 2009 and I was not only wasting part of my life but also realized I was in an agressive mood after each match, maybe because of the intensity of the game.
Then for some reason I broke my motherboard trying to install a new soundcard, and having no PC for some time felt like a blessing. I saw how the game was negatively impacting my life and stopped playing it.
Today I have Dota 2 installed but play it rather casually. Strangely, now I thank goodness the game demands so much from the player I tell myself I can't afford to be good at it again.
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