@Ryuuken27 Oh God, yes what we need are more WoW clones, as if we didn't have enough of those failed games . Sorry dude but for you to say something like this means you don't know a thing about the MMO genre.
This game will be somewhat like Eve, being a sandbox. We don't have enough info anyway. And Vampire the Mascarade is one of the best RPG settings ever, it's not their fault the only vampires you know are from Twilight.
Free to play and subscription-based games can co-exist peacefully. I play some F2P games like Planetside and Mechwarrior and would gladly pay 15 bucks for Darkfall but I haven't got the time.
Now Darkfall is a different beast, it's a heavily competitive old school MMO based on crafting so you can't pay for a sweet sword or godly armor. That's why it needs to be subscription based so that no one has an edge. And being a niche game it can never profit as much as something like Guild Wars to give up on subscriptions.
You don't like the game? Fine, but don't say it is garbage just because it has a subscription fee or it's not your style.
@xxYetterxx @brunorr Yes, I don't know how much they earn by sales, and it doesn't matter because is it's clear MS found it was worth to block used games.
It doesn't matter either if you guys say it is not profitable and dumb since all evidences show MS is leaning towards that path. Clearly they know something we don't.
And if you have a product that's gonna launch soon, and a rumor spreads creating a bad rep for your product, IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT RUMOR, you are going to deny it first thing. Microsoft's silence speaks a lot.
@xxYetterxx @brunorr Yeah, I believe they cash in big when every game is sold. By big it can be even 5% of retail price which can be a lot of money depending on sales. It's big enough for MS to care and cause this sh%tstorm.
You guys seem to ignore that by all the non denied rumors and Orth's massive screw up it's clear MS engineered the next Xbox to be always online. We just don't know if they are gonna keep it that way after said sh%tstorm.
@xxYetterxx @brunorr A huge part of money from gaming business goes to Gamestop. If MS blocks used games all that money that makes Gamestop what they are will go to MS, so even if there are less people to buy games, all of them are buying original games. Sony will keep on losing possible buyers because they bought a used game and Sony never sees that money. You can disagree but I don't believe you can't understand this.
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