@ajay1708 If Sony made a $1500 console the Playstation brand would be history. Consoles sell because of their prices. Neither the PC crowd with money to spend would be interested nor the console crowd would have money to buy it.
This is a sad story, I always liked japanese games but soon enough production costs will rise again with the new consoles and maybe selling for their market alone won't be enough.
@ajay1708 Dude, you couldn't be more wrong. They are making consoles more and more like PCs. But the development process takes too long so even if they are using the best parts in the market (which they aren't) the moment they are out there's already a faster processor or video card for the PC.
Adapt or die. Not everyone wants to play a casual game on a 4 inch screen, so there is still market for console/PC. The problem is big companies would rather invest in graphics, voice-overs and other fluffs, along with copying established franchises and holding-hand gameplay than investing in something creative.
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