Sony will not block used games but don't expect the publishers to follow suit.
1.DLC cannot be sold.
2.There will be online passes.
3.Games will be tied to your account.
Basically used games will be just a useless coaster. The used games market unfortunately is toast. Recommend gamers don't pre order the PS4 console and just wait till after launch. Better to be safe than sorry.
If used games are indeed not blocked then I most probibly will pick up a PS4 after launch.
I started gaming with the NES console and a 286 PC.
The industry today really is in a heap of s****. Games are dumbed down and lacking in creativity. Too much focus on Multiplayer and social tripe. Multiplayer used to be split screen with a friends sitting next to you, now that was fun. Goldeneye on the N64 comes to mind.
Publishers are the problem, They are greedy ******* who only wish to rape the customer with rip off DLC's and dictate to the gamer what they think we want to play. Publishers don't care about the developers.
Games used to be made with passion and fun in mind, Now they are developed in a way of trying to make the biggest buck and are being designed to appeal to the masses. There are to many generic sequels and not much in the way of new IP's. Worst of all is the draconian DRM, Especially Always On DRM.
Nintendo will be fine as they are the only console developer who respect gaming. Once more games are released for the Wii-U then sales will sky rocket.
Ubisoft, you did the right thing by removing Always On DRM and you have done so. Most recent game being settlers 7. One time online activation DRM is sufficient.
The next step is to drop the U-play client. Gamers don't want their PC's cluttered with game clients in order to play their games. As a gamer I just want to pop in a disk/or download and install the game and then play without having to log into a client every time. For online downloads GOG.COM is the best example for providing a digital download store. For online gaming just incorporate the required login process into the game itself.
Ubisoft, you also need to make drastic improvements on all ported games. This should be easy to fix.
Finally, Stop accusing all gamers of being pirates, It only affects your bottom line and p****s of gamers big time. moving more to always-on, 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week
3.When companies like ourselves make commitments to regions, other companies follow suit.
4.And companies like ourselves--I put us in the same bracket as Apple, Google, Facebook--we're a service, we're online, we're providing entertainment, and boy we better be there for the consumer when some of that breaks down.
EA, Who the **** do you think you are. You can keep your 24 hour 7 day DRM games service and shove it up your pie hole.
You wanna be like apple and google with their app stores!!! Good luck with that.
brynhyfryd's comments